Categories: Home Decor

The Best Tips For Designing Your Room

Designing your room is a very exciting task. Especially when you are doing it for the first time in your life! Though, lets nit get too far ahead of ourselves. Designing your room requires patience and deliberation. 

As I am in the process of designing my room for the first time, these are some of the things I needed to think through. Keep reading to view some of the best tips for designing our room. 

1. What Is The Purpose Of The Room?

First and foremost, before thinking about the logistics of designing your room, you want to decide what the purpose of your room will be. 

Maybe you need someplace to chill because you work crazy hard. Is it meant to induce a tranquil environment? Maybe you’re a gamer and want your room to convey as much. Or maybe you just want a calm environment to study. 

For me, I want my room to be a place I can relax, exercise, and work on some creative projects. My room will be filled with creative content, music, writings, and drawings. 

The logistics of designing your room will be different for each of these room themes. So after you decide what you want the purpose of your room to be, you can move to the next step in designing your room. 

2. Come To Terms With How Much Space You Have

When designing your room, you cannot add extra floor space unless you plan to knock down a wall.  So, start thinking about what you absolutely need to have in your room and what you can realistically fit in your room. Also, take into account how much wiggle room you want in your room. Like, do you want more floor space? 

You’ve thought about all of the things you need in your room. Next, consider the furniture layout. How does it look in your head? Come on, be realistic now. 

I want a lot of floor space in my room for many reasons. The main reason is that clutter in small places is distracting for me, plus I need some room to exercise in my room. The one thing I absolutely need to have in my room is a corkboard and bookcase. 

When you properly access your needs and separate them from your wants, the path to designing your room will become more focused. 

3. A Realistic Budget

During the process of designing your room, you might think about receiving one big shipment of everything you wanted. Though, it is good to note that you don’t have to get everything at once. You can save, and buy one item at a time. Unless you just have it like that, of course. 

For instance, my plan is to first get my bedding situated. Sleeping on the floor or an air mattress can wreak havoc on your body. Next, I plan to get my bookcases. Luckily, I have been saving for my bedding so I won’t struggle in getting other things to occupy my room. 

Be real with yourself because you don’t want the steps you take in designing your room to put your bills at risk. I know you’re just itching to have that dinner party, featuring our rooms but all great things take patience. 

4. Shop Smart.

The perfect thing about designing your room is that no matter how big the idea is, you can accomplish it with a small budget if you shop smart. First, ask your family to donate to the cause. Maybe they have an old rug they want to get rid of that you have been doting over. You’ll never know unless you ask. 

Some things can be bought online while others need to be bought in person. For instance, I am ordering my frames online and going into the store to buy my bed. 

Shop at different stores. Don’t downplay those dollar stores you pass by on your way to work every morning. They have a hidden treasure trove of furniture and accessories to occupy your space with. 

See Also

Before you make the decision to order that “professional assembly,” ask family members to help with the assembly. I’m sure you have a cousin that is just dying to spend some quality building tie with you! 

5. Color Scheme?

Your color scheme, oftentimes, reflect or rather informs your mood. As you are designing your room, make sure to choose a color you won’t get sick of. Maybe you don’t want to stick with one color but also include a few undertones. It is completely up to you. 

Choose wisely because repainting an entire room can be a hassle.  

I am not painting my room since my accessories are going to be colorful; though if I did choose to paint my room, I would choose green. 

6. Accessorize!

Accessorizing is the best and also the last step in designing your room. It can be very tempting to spend all of your time looking at accessories but trust me when I say this, don’t fall into this trap. This road will lead you exactly where you began when you first started reading this article, wondering how you should design your room. 

Accessories are meant to make your room pop while also expressing a bit of yourself in the process. For my room, I am including a small table for y puzzles and chessboard, a tapestry or two, some meaningful art, and, the finishing touch,  an LED magnetic globe. 

These are a few of the things that make me feel right at home. The perfect setting to get in my zen and let my creative mind roam free. 

Designing your room can be the best experience or the worst experience. It all depends on whether or not you have a sense of direction in your design and, more importantly, an end goal.

Now, these are merely my thoughts on the best process of designing your room, what do you think? Anything you care to share that helped you when you were designing your room?

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Alacia Murray

Alacia Murray is pursuing her B.A. in Creative Writing at Agnes Scott College. She loves to read, write, play old board games, and eat. Writing is her passion because it gives her the opportunity to express herself in a safe space. She loves to encourage people with her writing.

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