Categories: Greek Life

The Best Sorority Recruitment Tips For Any PNM Looking For Sisterhood

These are the best sorority recruitment tips for any PNM looking for sisterhood. They will ensure you get the fullest experience and allow you to explore all of your options when it comes to picking your new home. Picking which chapter house you went to spend the rest of your time at school with can be a little overwhelming. But keeping these important parts of recruitment in the back of your mind will really help ease the process. Take a step back, breathe, and everything will work out exactly the way it is supposed to.

1. Be yourself

This is number one of all the recruitment tips any one from any where is going to tell you. It is an age old tip that anyone will tell you when you are trying to meet any group of new people, person, significant other, job employer literally everyone! Being yourself, when it comes to sorority life, is so important especially because it will ensure you are placed exactly where you are supposed to be. If you pretend to be this mold of a sorority girl or just trying to be anybody that you’re not, you’re not going to find the place you fit in the best. No body can put up a front their entire 2 years of college (or even just a semester!). Eventually you will want to meet people you really connect with and how could you connect with people who are nothing like you! Trust me on this one. Being yourself is the sure fire way to get into the best house for YOU. Even if that means it’s not the most popular house on campus. News flash: that is NOT the priority.

2. Trust the process

Going through recruitment is not a free for all. There is a lot of behind the scenes work and structure that goes into recruitment in order for your to get a good grasp of who the chapter women are and for them to get a good grasp of who you are! It seems hard to believe that in just a few moments of  talking to someone you could know everything you need to know about each other in order to spend boat loads of time during the next few years or so together. The truth is, it really is impossible to truly know each other. At the same time though, it is true that most women end up exactly where they belong. Even if you do not get a bid to the place you wanted. One of the most crucial recruitment tips? Give your new home a shot. I promise you, there is a reason you ended up there.

3. Keep an open mind

If you want the best recruitment tips? These are it. Do not zone in on one house. Even if it is the party house, the pretty girl house or the insanely intelligent house. Whatever qualities you are looking for in a chapter, you will find them anywhere you go so keep an open mind. There are all different types of girls in every single house even if it doesn’t appear that way. You do not really know people until you really get to know them. During recruitment everyone is on their best behavior. Once you are in you can get a feel for everyones true colors and find the people you belong with. There are so many people no matter how big or small the chapters at your school are. You will find your niche within your chapter. That being said, don’t rule any chapter houses out so quickly. Walk into the house with an open mind and leave the house with one as well. You will know which houses are best for you without having to pass positive or negative judgement on the chapters.

See Also

4. Don’t go to a chapter just because your friend is there

Whether it is your BFF from high school already in a chapter or your roommate and you want to join a chapter together. DON’T DO IT. Let me tell you, if you are meant to be in the same chapter as your friends, you will be. There are girls in my chapter who have been best friends for years. There are even biological sisters in my chapter that end up at the same spot. If you are meant to be there, you are meant to be there. If your friend is too? Great! If she’s not? That doesn’t mean you can’t still be friends! So what you can’t pass notes during chapter meeting? It is so much better to be able to go to twice the amount of date nights, formals, and philanthropies! The best part is twice the friends! Just because you are in different chapters doesn’t mean you can only hang out with the people in your own chapter. Most importantly though, you want to find the house that is best for you. You never know what can happen in the future and if you were in a home that you were uncomfortable you are not going to receive the best sorority experience you can!

What recruitment tips do you feel everyone needs to know? Share them below!

Featured Image Source:
Sarah Ritondale

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