The Best Quarantine Memes To Get You Trough Social Distancing

The recent coronavirus outbreak has greatly impacted the world and has presented bizarre times for everyone in America. Many states have put a stay at home order in place, while millions of citizens across the US have taken matters into their own hands by quarantining themselves in an act of social distancing to avoid being at risk and halting the spread of the virus.

While we all go through this strange and stressful time together, we shouldn’t forget to at least try to enjoy the time we have in temporary isolation, and what could be a better way to lighten the mood than sharing a few laughs?

If you’re bored during your social distancing and looking for some high level comedy, here are some of the best quarantine memes to help get you through it all!

Because None Of Us Like To Follow The Rules.

This is one of those quarantine memes I think all of us (or for sure the home bodies and rebellious folk) can relate to, because there’s just something about being told what to do that makes you really not want to do it, you know?

I mean really, who likes to listen to directions and follow orders anyways?

Everybody’s Favorite: Baby Yoda!

Everybody that has Disney+, Netflix, Prime and all those other great TV streaming apps are taking BIG dubs during this quarantine.

Maybe you didn’t grab enough snacks for your liking or couldn’t find any cleaning supplies at the gutted out Costco or Sam’s Club in town, but I’ll bet you know somebody that is stocked up on chips and Clorox wipes.

Besides, everybody is going to get bored at some point sitting at home all day, and they’ll quickly realize they won’t need all that stuff they panic bought.

Trading the password to that Hulu account you barely use for some toilet paper and chips doesn’t seem too bad, now does it?

To Anyone That Contributed To Buying ALL The Toilet Paper:

Shame on all of you that went and bought 10, 20, pushing 30 bundles of toilet paper for a few week social shutdown.

I mean seriously, what did you really think you were going to gain from buying each and every brand of toilet paper known to man? How many poops were you expecting to take when you were in the checkout isle? My goodness.

You’ve Heard Of The Freshman 15, Now Get Ready For The Social Distance 60!

With nowhere to go and nothing to do, we are all about to be inside just lounging around binge watching TV shows, grinding on our video games, chugging some sodas and pigging out on midnight snacks for the next few weeks.

Everybody in school next fall is going to be looking a little “well rounded” if you know what I mean.

Barbers ARE Essential!

Alright look, I was out here looking pretty rough before the quarantine, and now you’re telling me I can’t go see my barber for a month? I’m scared to see how long my hair is about to grow, and I know I’m not the only one.

Brace yourselves, people!

To Anyone Who Had Their Long Awaited Vacations Canceled:

I know exactly how you feel. You had your brand new swimming suit ready. You bought your plane tickets months in advance and you were counting down the days one by one. And then boom; a weeks long quarantine.

Yes, I feel your pain. It’s a bummer. It sucks. You’re supposed to be on an island, but instead you’re in your kitchen. As depressing as it may be, there is at least one positive in all of this: you’re saving some big bucks in the end.

Another One For My Home Bodies Out There.

You know, that’s news to me, too. I didn’t know that my lifestyle was called “quarantining” either.

When You’re Certain You Have Everything You Need For The Quarantine…

Well, almost…

Show And Tell Via Skype.

Colleges, high schools and all other levels of education are switching over to online courses in an effort to promote social distancing. Teachers and professors everywhere are working vigorously on quarantine quizzes and social distance study guides to keep students somewhat up to speed, and unfortunately have had to cancel the remaining guest speakers for the semester.

See Also

But hey, who says you can’t bring your own to class?

A Routine I Think We Should All Follow

If you’re struggling to manage and maintain a consistent pattern of living during these unusual times, follow this step-by-step guide to success and you too will make it through this quarantine unscathed.

Don’t Let A Little Quarantine Keep You From Popping The Question

I get it.

Everything that’s gone on has pushed back your plans to pop the question to your significant other, and now the quarantine has all of the jewelry stores shut down indefinitely. Even though you might be without a ring to present, this is the perfect time to pop the question to your lover, because if there’s one thing that they will value more than any diamond carat ring during this pandemic, its this:


Build Your Own Quarantine

The quarantine of 2020 has given the Lego company a brilliant idea for their next Lego city set.

What if I told you half of these pieces will be toilet paper rolls?

It is highly important that we all take the coronavirus pandemic seriously by being sanitary and practicing social distancing for the time being to avoid putting our family, friends and anybody else in danger of being exposed.

None of us know just how long our quarantine period is going to last, but we must remain positive and know that even in times like this, we’ll always have each other to get us through it all.

And the quarantine memes. Don’t forget the quarantine memes.

Did you get a good laugh out of any of these memes? Do you have another funny quarantine meme to share? Show us in the comments!

Featured Image Source:
Isaiah Craig

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