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The 10 Best Places To Nap At UGA

The 10 Best Places To Nap At UGA

At UGA taking a nap is essential every now and then. School work gets crazy at University of Georgia so take some time to unwind at these places on campus.

The trick is becoming very comfortable sleeping in public. It’s probably slightly frowned upon, but nobody is going to go and wake you up! Here are the 10 best places to nap at UGA.

1. The Long Cushioned Couches in Tate

It’s not always the quietest area but it’s a convenient place to nap between classes and have time to grab a bite to eat at one of the cafes.

2. The Last Study Carrels on the Fourth Floor East Wing of the MLC

This is very specific but it’s also where the least amount of people go to study. It’s the perfect height to lay your head down and maybe even pull out a pillow.


3. The Founders Memorial Garden

Not only is it a beautiful area but it doesn’t get a lot of foot traffic during the day. It’s secluded nature makes it a great spot to escape for a short spell.

4. The Library Lounge Chairs

What better place for some quiet time than the library? If you don’t mind the lighting, the lounge chairs; the foot rests are the way to go.

5. The Snelling Basement

The basement of Snelling is filled with couches and chairs just begging to be slept on; head down there the next time you finish eating to have a good power nap.


6. The Outdoor Benches at the Georgia Conference Center

Looking up at the sun breaking through the trees is soothing preparation for a light nap surrounded by the resident squirrels.

7. The Lounge Chairs Inside the Conference Center

There are comfy chairs around the center to enjoy a good slumber when the weather isn’t working out.

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8. UGA’s Main Library’s Sixth Floor

The perfect place to study in complete silence doubles as a fantastic place to nap without noisy interruptions.

9. The Head Terrace Behind the MLC

The grass steps behind the MLC are great for a quick nap when you have a break between your classes.

10. The North Campus Quads

When the Athens weather is flourishing, the best place to sit back and enjoy the sunshine is in on any of the beautiful quads around North Campus. Just lay back, use your bag as a pillow. Forget about all those pesky assignment for a moment.


Bonus: Before the MLC opened it’s wing staircases for everyday use in the Spring of 2017 they were only used for emergencies and the alarm would sound if the doors were opened. On the second floor entrance under the covered walkway there was open access to a set of these stairs and the double doors were around the corner at the top. This was the perfect place to go up and rest your head without any disturbances, but now there are people using these steps all the time.

Let us know what you think about UGA in the comments below!
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