College Life

The Best Places To Cry At Florida State University When You Just Can’t Deal Anymore

College is tough, no lie. Trying to do well in your classes, maintain a social life, and do extracurricular activities can be very stressful to balance. Sometimes it can all be too overwhelming and you just cant help but cry. Well, here are some creative places around Florida State University to have your emotional breakdown!

1. Strozier Library

Let’s be honest; most emotional breakdowns happen in the library. When you’re doing an assignment and you realize that it’s a lot harder than expected, and the due date is a lot closer than you thought. Find a study room, a stall in the bathroom, or curl up in a ball in between the bookshelves and let it all out.

2. The Williams Building Courtyard

Not many people know about this place. It’s located in the center of the Williams Building on the first floor. It is normally empty and very quiet and a perfect place to be alone and cry by yourself in between classes.

3. In a hammock on Landis

We’ve all seen the colony of hammocks hanging from the trees on Landis Green. It’s great for relaxing, studying, or even napping. Then throw the edges over your face and let the crying fest begin because you remembered how many things you still have to do and have yet to start.

4. In your dorm room

Easy! Just wait until your roommate leaves and let it all out. Or even better, cry WITH your roommate if you’re close enough! Nothing strengthens a bond more than an mutual emotional breakdown.

5. In a practice room

For you music majors, you probably know this one all too well. Practice rooms are great for crying. It’s a small room where no one can disturb you and you can really let loose because of the other people practicing around you.


6. In your car between classes

See Also

Your car is the perfect place to let it all out. Especially if you have tinted windows and don’t have to worry about anyone judging you while walking by. Before or after your class you can bawl your eyes out in a nice secluded parking spot. That is, if you ever find one.

7. During your professor’s office hours

Ok, this one is a stretch, but it could work. Having an emotional breakdown in front of your professor might be the last thing on someone’s list. However, it could gain some sympathy points. If they see that you’re really having a tough time, then they might actually let you turn in that assignment a few days late or retake that test. You never know!

8. Any bathroom on campus

Bathrooms are perfect for a little crying sesh. If you choose the right one, you’ll most likely be alone for a long time before someone else comes in. Find a secluded bathroom on the top floor of a building and let the tears flow.

College is tough. There are times where you feel like you just can’t make it through the day and you’re ready to drop out. If you can’t hold in your tears of dread, odds are you’ll be close to one of the places on this list so you can let it all out. But once you do, get back on the grind because you can do it!

Where do you think are the best places to cry at Florida State University? Tell us in the comments!
Featured Image Source:
Allen Robertson

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