Categories: Quizzes

The Best Personality Tests If You Actually Want To Get To Know Yourself

Personality tests have become silly and fun thanks to their abundance within the world of social media. But how much do you actually learn about yourself with those “build your perfect sandwich” type quizzes? I’ve loved to take personality tests since I was in middle school; I’ve always been obsessed with learning as much about myself as I can, and because of this I have found some personality tests that I think actually help us learn more about ourselves.

Myer Briggs personality type quiz – or the 16 personality types

This is one of the first personality tests I found that actually resonated with me. The Myer Briggs personality test divides your personality into four parts; introvert (I) vs extrovert (E), intuitive (N) vs sensitive (S), thinking (T) vs feeling (F), perception (P) vs judgment (J). You’ll answer questions that will determine which side of those four scales you are and it will explain what each section means more in-depth.

I’m an INFJ, so I scored higher on the introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judgment sides of each scale. When I first got this result, I was super concerned because I thought the judgment side meant judgemental, but what this test is referring to is people who like more structure and order in day to day life, and they are decisive and like things to be decided – they aren’t as go-with-the-flow as those who score on the perception side.

The actual test can be found here, but I’ve found this free test to be just as accurate.

If you like numbers, you’ll probably find the Enneagram personality test enjoyable

I recently discovered this test from one of my friends – and by recently I mean at the beginning of this year. It seemed simpler in theory than in action, but once I did a bit more research I was able to figure out all of the terminologies.

So with this personality test, you can be identified as any number from 1 to 9. Within these assignments, there are wings for each type, which are the numbers directly before and after your type, and integration and disintegration points, which are basically the two types that you are connected to that you lean toward when you are feeling safe or threatened.

For the purpose of this article, I took the free test again and my results showed that I actually tied two types, 4 and 5. If this happens to you, read more about each type and you should be able to see which is stronger for you – in my case 4 is slightly stronger. So, I’m a 4 with a 5 wing (4w5), and my integration and disintegration points are 1 and 2.

Again, I found this personality test a bit confusing at first so you might need to do some more research if you want to try this one out.

See Also

Learn about you love languages – and if you have a significant other, learn about each others’ love language

This is super helpful in relationships. By taking this quiz and having my boyfriend take it, we have learned that we speak different languages when it comes to how we show and receive love. Now we are able to better show that we care because I know that he needs to cuddle more than talk or be given gifts to feel loved, and he knows that need him to do things to help me out and be present with me instead of receiving gifts or being told that he loves me in order to feel loved.

Not really a personality test, but look into your astrological signs – maybe get a natal chart made

If you don’t believe in horoscopes, that’s fine. But if you do, you should have your natal chart made. To get this chart made, you will need to take the date, time and location of where you were born and Cafe Astrology maps out the alignment of the planets.

I personally love this because I’m a cusp baby, meaning I was born on the lend of one sign, beginning of another – and even in Chinese zodiac I was born on a cusp. But this really helped me learn more about my sign and all of the other aspects of astrology that I didn’t really understand.

What personality tests do you think are pretty accurate? Which personality tests have you tried? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to see what kinds of tests you all have taken.

Featured Source Photo:
Summer Dreyer

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