The 10 Best New Year’s Resolutions For Moms

Every year NYE sneaks up on us even though we know it is coming (literally) all year long! With each year we figure out what our goals are for the next, you know, New Year’s resolutions. You see New Year’s resolutions everywhere, especially if you’ve been to a gym in the month of January. New Years resolutions are important, but it’s even more important that you set New Year’s goals that you can stick with all year long. Below is list of the 10 New Year’s resolutions for moms. Think about which ones will fit for you and pick a few of them and put them on your own list! If you really want to stick with them, publish your resolutions on a blog or social media so that way people can hold you accountable for them!
1. Add in more self-care time to your busy schedule.
Taking care of yourself always gets put on the backburner, It is important to create a schedule monthly and plan out when you will go get your hair done, nails done, go to a gym class, hang out with your girlfriends, visit your mom, read a book, write a blog post, go see a movie – you get the idea. I know it might sound silly to schedule in when you are going to read a book, but seriously, when was the last time you were able to read a book? If it’s not often then scheduling in that time for you is incredibly important.
2. Make arrangements for a date night once a month.
Watching TV on the couch is not spending time together, just to clarify. Find a babysitter and pick one night a month (if you can get two nights a month than DO IT!) and determine what you guys will be doing so it will actually be fun. Your relationship is important in order to survive parenting so make sure you take some time and invest it into date night.
3. Don’t just hit the gym, work on finding healthier meals and snacks for your family.
You and your family’s health are important. Scheduling in a gym time is so important because this is also something that gets pushed out the way when life gets busy. If you sign up for gym classes, this way you are held accountable for going. Looking up new recipes for healthy meals is also important because in order to be healthy you need to have everyone on board. Joining a food program in order to help you be more creative is also helpful to saving time at home for dinner.
4. Find a hobby that you will enjoy and stick with it.
Everyone needs a hobby. Try out a few different things – maybe snowboarding, skiing, reading, starting a blog, crafting, sewing, creating items for Etsy, cooking classes, dancing classes, making jewelry, etc. Check out local libraries to see what type of events they have going on throughout the year and sign up for some classes. It might be the best thing you ever did!
5. Go out and make some new mom friends.
This is one of the best New Year’s resolutions for moms because sometimes being a mom is very difficult when none of your friends are parents too. It gets quite lonely and you are going to need to branch out. Finding a local meetup for moms would be a great place to start.
6. Join a mom group on Facebook/Instagram.
Same goes with not having mom friends and if there are not too many meetups in your area, join some social media moms’ groups. Have you looked for one before? There are TONS! You will meet and share with tons of moms online and they are always a great resource.
7. Take more pictures and print them too.
With cell phones taking over, printing pictures has really gone out the door. When is the last time that you printed a picture? Make it a point this year to print out your pictures and put them in albums or frames on the walls. There are so many easy ways to print them now that it only takes a few clicks.
8. Go on more trips with your family.
Try to schedule either a big vacation for your family, or short little day trips on the weekends throughout the year. This way you are enjoying traveling, learning new cultures and then spending time with your family too.
9. Spend more time with your extended family.
As we get older, so does everyone else in your family. If you live close, make it a point to spend more time with extended family. They are your family and it is nice to have your children get to know each other as cousins instead of strangers. Spend more time with your grandparents too – they and your children will enjoy it and your children will have memories of spending time with their family.
10. Spend one on one time with each of your children every week, especially if you have more than one child.
If you have more than one child, try to take them out on a mommy date a few times a month and same with all children. Even if it is to bring them to the library to get a book or out to get lunch, they will appreciate the one on one time! This is one of the best New Year’s resolutions for moms because it involves spending time with their children!
Hopefully these New Year’s resolutions for moms will help you create your own list and tailor them to your wants and needs. Reread them to see just how important they are and consider picking a few to master this 2018 year. With a new 12 months ahead of you, there are so many options that can help you make this a great year. Although we cannot control the unforeseeable, but you can start making changes to your life and continue moving from there.
What did you think of these New Year’s resolutions for moms? Let us know in the comment section below!
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Jennifer is a freelance writer, military wife, motherhood + lifestyles blogger, a mom to a nutty 3-year-old, and a National Board Certified Teacher. She lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, fitness and everything organic.