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The Best Fitness Apps For Staying In Shape

The Best Fitness Apps For Staying In Shape

Being inside can make it hard to stay motivated to get in or stay in shape. Here are some of the best fitness apps for staying in shape.


Myfitnesspal is my go to fitness app whenever I am trying to keep tracking of what I am eating and how much of it I am eating. I really like to use this app because of the calorie tracking, which is really handy and so simple to use. You can input the amount of calories that you want to stick to a day, and then once you put in the food that you are eating, it keeps track of your calories. This allows you to take notice of what you are eating and how many calories you are consuming. Another thing that I like about this app is that you can stay connected with other people, linking up in your fitness journeys. Other than that, this app has countless recipes that you can try out, tips to staying healthy, and a ton of different workouts, which you can all find in their newsletter. You are granted access to the newsletter with the free app, but when you go premium you are opened up to so many more features. Overall, I recommend myfitnesspal to anyone that wants to be healthy, but just needs a little help doing it.

Weight Watchers

For a brief time period I decided to try out Weight Watchers, and I loved it, I just wasn’t willing to keep paying for it. If you are willing to pay for it, then I definitely recommend trying out weight watchers. I loved that you don’t count calories, but rather points, which helps you adjust your diet accordingly. Also, before you even start you take a quiz about your eating habits that will then match you with a eating plan based off what you eat. Another part of this app that I really like is that you can connect with so many different people, that are going through the same fitness struggles that you are. This app really helps you stick to your fitness goals, motivating you to a healthy lifestyle.



Noom is another fitness app that allows you to track your eating habits and gives you countless workouts that you can try. What I really liked about this app is that it connects you with healthy eating coaches that chat with you once a week to see how you are doing and if you are sticking to the goals you have set for yourself. These people are here to help you, not make you feel bad, they want to make sure you achieve your goals. The only downside is that this app can be pretty expensive, so I decided not to stick with it, but if you are willing to pay definely try it out.

5K Runner

If you have ever wished that you can be a runner, then this is the fitness app for you to check out. 5K Runner takes you through 8 weeks for training, that will leave you being able to run miles. I really like this app, I think that it is very effective and easy to use. Now is the perfect time to try it out, with being stuck at home you might as well train yourself into being able to run. Plus what is even better is that the app is pretty cheap, you can get 3 month for only seven dollars! Definitely one of my favorite fitness apps!

Nike Training Club

Nike Training Club is a perfect fitness app to try out if you feel as though you have run out of ways to workout. This app gives you countless different workouts to try, there are ones that even focus on working certain aspects of your body! You can also use this app as a running app as well, helping to track your jogs or help you train to be a jogger. This app is guaranteed to satisfy all of your fitness needs while you are inside!


Beachbody On Demand

This fitness app is a great way to stay in shape during quarantine! Currently they are offering two free weeks with this app before they begin to charge you with fees. I really like to use beachbody on demand, there are very effective workouts that will for sure kick your butt. My favorite workouts are any with Shaun T, whether it is Hip Hop Abs or Insanity, he is guaranteed to whip your butt into shape. Beachbody on demand also includes other workouts such as yoga and pilates. Overall, I definely think that this app is worth trying out!

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Sworkit is a fun fitness app that offers you a ton of different workouts to try out, even better is that you can do them at home! This app is the perfect way to stay in shape and get you off of the couch, now matter how much you may not wan


t to. these quick workouts with work you hard and fast, leaving you sore the next day. You can also connect with personal trainers, ask them for advice on things or just their assistance in general. You can even customize the kind of workout that you want to have, it doesn’t get much better than that! Overall, this is a must to try out, a fun fitness app!

SWEAT: Kayla Itsines Fitness

SWEAT: Kayla Itsines Fitness is a great fitness app to whip you into shape this quarantine. This app offers you hindreds of different workouts that you can try at home, and you decide which ever one you want to do. if you aren’t in the mood to workout your arms, then no problem, try out a leg workout. You can also track your progress as you go by taking pictures of your fitness journey. Another thing that I like about this app is that it also offers a ton of different recipes that you can try out. Why not test out your culinary skills while you are at home. Also this app offers some fitness advice to help you stay motivated during your fitness journey. Overall, this is a very fun app to get you to workout and have a great time while doing it.

Which of these fitness apps do you plan on trying out? Let us know in the comments below!