The Best College Dorm Bedding For Your Room

When it comes to picking out your type of bedding for your dorm, it can be very easy to just assume they are all the same. The truth is that dorm bedding comes in all different sizes and fabrics. There are multiple types of dorm beddings that all accomplish different things. Your bed is one of the main focuses of your room so having it look nice is a great way to having your room looking good as well. When trying to pick out the right types of beddings for your room, there is a lot to think about. It can be a little tedious and even might seem unnecessary to most, but if you care about comfort and room design then here are some different types of dorm bedding that you can chose from.
Let’s start with a very easy and obvious type of dorm bedding. Blankets are extremely comfortable to have when you’re sleeping. Blankets come in so many different sizes and colors that you can easily match one with any design of your room. There are also so many places where you can get comfortable blankets with designs on them as well. You can even find websites that allow you to customize them however you want to so having a design that fits isn’t an issue at all. Blankets are a great item to have with you while you sleep. If you get too cold at night or live in an area that experiences very cold winters, then having a blanket is a quick and effective way to warm yourself up in the middle of the night. If you get hot easily or live in a hot area, it’s still very easy to cool down as all you have to do is throw the blanket off of you. It’s a piece of bedding that can be used almost every night and can also be used simply for visual presentation as well. If you want to have a fun and cozy looking room, then having a blanket that matches your energy is a great way to spice up your room’s visual presentation.
Mattress Cover
Mattress covers are a great type of dorm bedding. A lot of dorms and student off-campus housings provide students with a mattress already. Now these mattresses have been used by whoever has lived in that room before you. Mattress covers go over the mattress and under your sheets. It serves as an extra layer between you and the mattress itself. These covers can also be used to make your bed more comfortable. Mattress covers can come with memory foam to make your bed a lot softer. They have different fabrics and layers of thickness as well so if you don’t want your bed to be super soft but still want some sort of cushion, then having one of these is a big help. Another benefit to having a mattress cover is that if you were to accidentally spill something on your bed, there is now an extra layer of protection between you and the actual mattress. Mattresses are very expensive to buy so you want to make sure that you take really good care of yours. Picking out a cover that you like shouldn’t be too difficult as they aren’t seen unless you remove your sheets. You can just get a white or black cover and call it a day.
Fitted Sheets
Your fitted sheets are the part of your bed that you will actually be sleeping on every single night. Picking out your fitted sheets can have a few levels to it. There are so many colors to choose from as well as fabrics. On top of those, you need to know the size of your mattress to pick out the right size for your sheets. Now depending on how you like to sleep, picking out the right fabric for your sheets can be a little overwhelming. There are silk sheets as well as cotton, linen, silk, microfiber, etc. Cotton is a very common type of fabric to have. It’s the same as your t-shirts so it’ll be a familiar comfort to you. It’s probably also the easiest fabric to remove stains out of for any accidents that may occur. If you are prone to having a lot of allergies, then maybe getting a linen sheet would be best for you. Linen is a fabric that is hypoallergenic. It’s also a very natural cooling fabric that will keep you a little cooler on those hot summer nights. Microfiber is another fabric that is easy to remove stains in. It’s not as breathable as cotton, but it still makes for a comfortable fabric that will keep you cool. Silk is the pricier option as it’s a natural fiber that requires such delicate care. These types of sheets are normally linked with the idea of romance. A great choice to having that classy and romantic feel in your room.
Just like your fitted sheets, comforters come in all shapes and sizes. Comforters are going to be your main source of heat and cover for you. Picking one out that matches the comfort of your bed sheets as well as the color or design you are going for is essential to completing the look of your room. Bamboo comforters are very popular as they are hypoallergenic and it natural dispels moisture. If you tend to sweat a lot, then a bamboo comforter might be for you. Of course, you have your cotton comforters which are very breathable and cooling. You can’t go wrong with picking cotton for any of your dorm bedding. Down-filled comforters are another very popular option. The down-filled comforter can come in different fabrics but has many benefits. They are often machine wash safe and offer you that extra fluff every night. You want to make sure you pick a comforter that’s easy to take care of but also one that’s good enough to keep you cool or warm depending on your need.