10 of The Best Chick Flicks To Watch When You’re Going Through A Breakup

What is the best way to get over a break-up? Let it out sis, just let it out. Come with me on this journey as we will explore some of the best chick flicks to watch when you’re going through a break-up. Although I don’t believe in spoilers, I won’t ruin these awesome chick flicks for those of you that do believe in them.
1. Titanic (1997)
Yeah, that’s right, get all of those tears out baby girl. If you have not seen Titanic, just what are you doing with your life? I’ll bet you $50 you can’t make it through this movie without becoming emotionally invested. This chick flick is a show of love at first sight, intimacy, and losing the one you love. This movie is just the perfect chick flick to open up the well of tears. Don’t from this chick flick because you most certainly won’t be able to hide.
2. The Notebook (2004)
The chick flick to get those tears flowing is The Notebook. This love affair will have you sorting through all of your emotions in one sitting. If you have not seen this movie you are in for an emotional whirlpool. You will experience all the ups and downs of falling in love. But don’t worry, this chick flick will leave you believing in love again.
3. The Kissing Booth (2018)
Ah, teenage love is the center of this chick flick. Remember all of the intricate details of teen love. Yeah, this movie will give you all of that juiciness. And yes, it is very clichéd. After holding in her true feelings for so long, Elle makes up her mind about her love life regardless of what anyone else thinks. Be prepared for some tears towards the end as the teenage lovers confront one another and express their feelings. “I love Noah and I want him,” (Elle).
4. Someone Great (2019)
This is one of the chick flicks that could help you in any part of your break up. Whether you need to end things or someone has ended it with you, this chick flick will help you move forward. Best for getting out of a slump after a break-up or going to terms with needing to break-up with someone. And, as is always the case a with chick flick, tears Happy tears, sad tears, you name ’em!
5. Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Two people meet with no intention of building a romantic relationship, but find themselves becoming attracted to one another during an exchange of services. This chick flick has a smooth flow to it and definitely pulls on your heartstrings. This chick flick will help you feel a bit better about the break-up. Revealing that after a break-up, or divorce in Pat’s case, there can be beauty and someone better for you.
6. Everything, Everything (2017)
Boy meets the girl next door, the boy falls in love with the girl. You get the storyline. Though they can never be together because of Maddy’s weak immune system. This chick flick is a tale of an intense teenage love that transcends all boundaries. This movie will have you remembering all the best moments of your relationship, leading to tears upon tears. This is healthy though, it means you are rationally thinking through the ups and downs of your previous relationship and are ready to move forward.
7. Hidden Figures (2016)
A chick flick that will have you crying tears of joy! When you’ve done a lot of crying and are ready to feel better, call it a night and watch this movie. You will find great inspiration in this chick flick. It is a motivation-packed chick flick centered around three brilliant African American women who served as the masterminds behind the launch of John Glenn into orbit. If this movie brings you tears, it will be of joy and a gleeful smile will be on your face for the entire third act.
8. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005)
After easing your tears with Hidden Figures, this chick flick will show you a much greater bond than a boyfriend. I included this movie as it can be used to reinforce your friendship. The focus of the movie is to express that no matter where you are, you and your friends possess a strong bond. This chick flick will show any broken-hearted female that they should confide in their friends after a breakup. Going through a break-up alone is, well lonely and depressing. So confide in your friends and schedule a movie night to watch this amazing chick flick.
9. Enough (2002)
The chick flick of all chick flicks. Here you go darling, a chick flick for you to evaluate all of the horrible ways he treated you. This will have you thinking about all of the things you did not like about him. Why do you say we just stick with strictly thinking, huh?
Thus chick flick is best for coming to terms with the relationship a whole. You understand that things just did not work out or finally realize you should have left long before. Either way, you will feel a surge of chick flick power from this film. No regrets, right?
10. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
Ever think about all the things you could possibly do to lose a guy. I hear anxieties calling your name. This chick flick is great for acknowledging not only your Ex’s faults but also your own. This movie is coupled with encouraging you to love after all the heartbreak you have gone through. I sense a tear falling down your cheek.
Cry. Movie. Cry. Junk Food. Cry. Friends. And Repeat. The process of a chick flick movie night bound to help you with your break-up process. If you’ve noticed, there are too may great chick flicks missing from this list, but the list will go on. What are some chick flicks that helped you or someone you love get through a break-up?
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/849773023419829505/
Alacia Murray is pursuing her B.A. in Creative Writing at Agnes Scott College. She loves to read, write, play old board games, and eat. Writing is her passion because it gives her the opportunity to express herself in a safe space. She loves to encourage people with her writing.