The Best Care Packages For College Students Living Away From Home

Home sickness is real and the best remedy for that when you can’t get back home are care packages. I am going to be moving away from home myself soon, so I have created some care package essentials that any student away from home would love to receive.
Some of the best care packages are the ones that contain food! Everyone loves to receive their favorite treat, so making a package full of your students favorite snacks, candy, and drinks will sure put a smile on their face.
Snacks are easy to obtain and transport which makes them a great option to send. You will not have to spend a great deal of money to make someone’s day, so your student could get a great deal of goods that won’t break you budget!
Spa Day
School is stressful, so it is always nice to receive things that remind you to take a minute to unwind. Lotions, bath bombs, bubble bath, etc. are all great items to include. Any student will enjoy being able to have all the tools to have a relaxing evening, but be aware if they have a tub or not. Not all dormitories have tubs, so in those case, it is better to get shower gel instead of bubble bath.
This option will be more expensive than the previous one, but on the other hand, it will last longer and spa items like sponges, and nail kits aren’t perishable.
Comfy Cozies
These care packages are great for students that are going to school in cold places. You can never have enough warm and comfortable items to snuggle up with! Putting a hot chocolate kit with fuzzy socks and a blanket or robe would be perfect. With these items, you can be sure they won’t go to waste since everyone could use a blanket and sock during winter. I have about ten pairs of fuzzy socks and I live in Georgia, so you see what I mean?
These are items that are easily accessible and will let your student know that you are there with them even if you are miles away. Remember, even though it’s a cliché, it is the little things that count.
These are a few of my favorite things
Students really appreciate care packages that are really tailored to them, the more specific the better. Maybe buy them a t-shirt from their favorite music group or team. If they are into stuffed animals, get them one and to take it a step further, it could be their school’s mascot or have their school’s colors. If they love to write, buy them a note pad to scribble their thoughts down.
This type of care package shouldn’t freak you out. The options are endless. If you know that you want to go this route, but can’t think of anything to purchase just yet, take some time to hear what your student talks about and what they are currently interested. Simply asking them about their day can spark inspiration.
No matter how you approach the care packages that you send, know that whatever you buy or do would be loved. When you are so far from home, little reminders that someone is thinking about you and wanting to do something nice for you goes a long way. So even if you don’t know if you have made the perfect care package, send it anyway, your loved ones will love it for the mere fact that it is from you.