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The Best Binge-Worthy Netflix Series To Help You Survive Quarantine

The Best Binge-Worthy Netflix Series To Help You Survive Quarantine

If Netflix has become your new BFF during your quarantine, here are some binge-worthy shows that need to be added to your list if they aren’t there already.

1) New Girl

These are some pretty intense times, and we could all use a little comedic relief. New Girl is a show about a group of friends that are just trying to succeed in life, and do what they gotta do to get by. It’s one of those shows that you watch and say “OMG, Nick is totally my best friend *Insert name of BFF here*”. It’s relatable, it’s hilarious, and it’s the kind of show that you can watch repeatedly without getting tired of it. 



2) Jeopardy

Yeah okay, so this is a bit of a weird one. But just think about it. Hours and hours of Alex Trebek making sarcastic comments, and countless opportunities to prove to your family that you are, in fact, the smartest member of the family. 

3) Grey’s Anatomy

Pick me, choose me, love me! If you’re looking for a show to get absolutely mind-numbingly addicted to, Grey’s Anatomy is your best bet. It’s got about a bajillion seasons for you to catch up on, and it’s still airing! So even if you finish the entire show, you can still tune in every week to see what Mer is up to. Just don’t get too attached to any of the characters. Yeah, you’ve been warned. 

4) Gossip Girl

You know you love me! When it comes to drama, fashion and hot guys, you can’t do much better than Gossip Girl. This series follows a group of young socialites in the city as they deal with growing up in the limelight. There’s tons of drugs and sex, and the show has a KILLER soundtrack. Before you know it, you’ll be dying to find out what B and S are going to get themselves into next, and of course… the question that’s on everyone’s mind… who is Gossip Girl?! That’s a secret we’ll never tell. 


5) The Good Place

Ready for a forkin’ good time? Check out the Good Place. Kristen Bell is HILARIOUS, and her attempts to navigate her way through what she believes to be Heaven, and her battle to become a halfway decent human being will be more than enough to keep your mind off the global pandemic going on right outside your window.. well… okay.. maybe not TOTALLY keep your mind off it, but at least you’ll manage to muster up a chuckle or two here and there. 

6) The Vampire Diaries

If you were a fan of Twilight, TVD is definitely a series you need to binge. There are hot brooding vamps everywhere, historical flashbacks, witches, and did we mention really really hot vampires? The great thing about TVD is once you finish the OG series (which we know you will), you can check out the two spinoffs, The Originals and Legacies. Because one series is just not enough to quench the thirst!


7) Love Is Blind

If sappy reality tv shows filled with drama is your thing, then Love Is Blind should be right up your alley. It’s basically a show about single people forced to get to know someone and pick the person they want to marry without even seeing their face.. sounds super dramatic, right? Oh, it is! 

8) Dexter 

Dexter is a serial killer, that also just happens to work side by side with the police to solve crimes. He’s obviously incredibly good at the job, since you know, he’s a killer himself, and he seems to have just about everyone fooled. You’ll begrudgingly fall in love with Dexter and you’ll have absolutely no idea why, but you’ll enjoy it in the end! Follow Dexter through the twists and turns of this series as you learn what goes through a serial killer’s mind- and whether or not we can ever truly trust our gut instinct!

9) Breaking Bad

Drama and action are two of the best words to sum up this series about your average Joe of a man who just happens to be involved in one of the biggest meth labs in Albuquerque New Mexico. While the show is obviously packed with violence and non-stop thrills, that’s not all this series has in store for you. Be prepared to laugh, and definitely have a box of Kleenex ready!

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10) Criminal Minds

As one of the longest running crime shows out there, Criminal Minds is a cult classic about a team of FBI specialists that work together to profile and take down serial killers and sociopathic murderers. Because the series has been on for so long, you’ll get to know each character and by the end of the show you’ll quite honestly feel like you know all of them personally. If you’re curious about the WHY behind the how when it comes to serial killers, check out Criminal Minds. We promise you won’t be disappointed!


11) Lucifer

This series is quite literally about the devil, and his struggle to discover (or rediscover) his humanity. It’s a dark comedy that will honestly have you rooting for the devil to succeed! While it may seem like all fun and games, this series actually poses some pretty deep and philosophical questions, if you’re tuned in enough to pick up on them!

12) Glee

We could all use a little music in our lives right about now, and Glee is all music, all the time. With a lovable cast and relatable problems to be solved during each episode, Glee is one of those feel-good shows that will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. If you need a little pick-me-up or a feel-good cry, add Glee to your Netflix list!

13) The Great British Baking Show 

Yeah okay, so this one came out of left field. But honestly, this show is ADDICTIVE. Just watch two episodes and we guarantee you’ll be obsessed with Mary Berry, and you’ll catch yourself using the phrase “soggy bottom” a lot more often than you should be. While a baking show might not seem like the type of show you can binge, just watch one episode. We can almost 100% promise you you’ll find yourself tuning in to the next one, and the next one, and the next one. 


Did your favorite Netflix series make the list? Leave a comment and let us know which shows you’ll be binging during your quarantine!

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