The Best Back Exercises You Can Do Daily

Looking for back exercises that make you look hot hot hot?! These back exercises will definitely help you fix that problem. Try these moves daily to achieve a happy and healthy back!
1. Up Right Row
This back exercise builds strength in the shoulders and upper back. It helps with creating stronger posture muscles making sure that sitting all day will no longer be a struggle. The great thing about the upright row is that you are able to do it anywhere. It’s all about the “pulling” motion while using the weights to get the full effect of the exercise. All you need is a barbell, dumbbell, or anything with a little bit of weight to it for resistance.
How to do:
- Stand shoulder-width apart
- Have arms fully extended while having an overhand grip down in front of you
- The grip should be a shoulder-width distance apart
- Lift dumbbells up through the elbows
- Stop when your elbows have reached the level of your shoulders
- Repeat
2. Reverse Fly
Back exercises are so important because it helps you with everyday tasks! The reverse fly has many benefits such as helping with poor posture, balance, reduction in any risk of injury in the body such as neck and shoulder pain, it helps with increasing your athletic performance, and lastly, the overall well being of you. The exercise focuses on targeting the rear shoulders and major upper back muscles which include the rhomboids and trapezius.
How to do:
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells on each side of you
- Press hips back in a semi-squat or hinge motion
- Keep the chest forward and parallel to the ground
- The weights in your hands should hang straight down with your palms facing one another
- Keep a tight core, straight back, and have a slight bend to the knees
- When your ready, exhale and raise both arms out to your side
- At the top squeeze shoulder blades together and hold for a couple seconds
- As you release, inhale and lower the arms down slowly
- Avoid any hunching and keep the chin tucked in during the exercise to prevent any injuries
3. Bird Dog
If you are looking for back exercises that are a bit easier to do but still have the same effect, the bird dog is a great one to try out. This exercise helps with stability and has the ability to improve the neutralization in the spine. It can relieve any back pains and it will strengthen the core, hips, and back muscles.
This will promote proper posture as well. The range of motion will improve also! Picking up and moving around will become easier than ever. Lastly, this is great for anyone who is just starting out exercising or someone who is advanced! No matter what, it still helps anyone who is looking to decrease injury probability, have a more aligned spine, or helps those who is recovering from back pain.
How to do:
- Start with being on all fours in a tabletop position
- Keep knees under the hips and hands under the shoulders
- The spine should be neutral
- Engage abdominal muscles
- Bring in shoulders blades together
- Start by raising your right arm with your left leg
- Hold for a couple of seconds
- Keep arm and leg parallel to the floor
- The back of the neck should be lengthened while your chin is tucked into the chest
- Eyes should be looking down at the ground
- After a couple of seconds, lower arm and leg down slowly
- Lift opposite arm and leg into the same position
- Hold for a few seconds
- Then lower down
- Repeat
4. Superman
Superman is probably one of the most favorite back exercises. The reason being?! It’s just fun to do! It is great for helping any lower back pain and it strengthens the upper and lower back muscles as well as strengthening the core. For a bonus, it will work the glutes and hamstrings too.
How to do:
- Start by lying face down on the ground
- Arms straight out, above your head
- Legs should be straight
- Raise both your legs and arms at the same time creating a “bowl” type shape with your back
- Raise legs about 10-15cm above the ground
- Hold that position for a few seconds, then lower
- You will feel the exercise the most when holding the position
- During the exercise keep the neck natural with the spine
- Repeat
- If you want a challenge, you can flutter both the arms and legs back and forth
- If you want an even harder challenge try lifting just your right arm and right leg
- Then try on the other side
- This will strengthen the core even more
5. Arnold Press
If you have ever heard of the movie the Terminator, then you definitely have heard of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is a legend, especially in the fitness world for bodybuilding. The Arnold press was named after him and for good reason. This back exercise is amazing if you want to target the shoulders, back, deltoids, core, and chest.
By adding this exercise to your routine, you will be ready for any strapless shirts and tanktops in no time. Your shoulders will look killer and your back will be gorgeous. Even your chest will look perkier. The Arnold press works that area, by building the chest muscles to help lift the cleavage tissue. Back exercises, in general, are amazing for these reasons.
How to do:
- Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart
- Place dumbells at shoulder height
- Elbows should be bent and palms are facing the body
- In one fluid motion, you are going to want to bring elbows out wide to the sides and then rotate hands in a way that the palms are face forward
- You will then press the dumbbells over the head until arms are completely straight
- Biceps should be next to ears
- Pause for a couple of seconds
- Then reverse the movement back to the start
- Repeat