The Best Apps For Couples With Trust Issues

Although social media has paved the way for people to connect, it has caused a drift in relationships. Well-known apps like Snapchat, in which messages disappear immediately after it has been sent, enables secret conversations and relationships, causing trust issues in relationships. And as much as you want to trust them, you’re left wondering if they could be enjoying themselves with someone else. So, you get that urge to check their phone even though both of you had a talk about respecting each other’s privacy. However, that urge is nagging you to the point where you open their phone and maybe you find something, maybe you don’t. But no matter what you do you will still have that feeling.
Let me tell you something you need to hear! That nagging feeling will always be there unless your person decides to give up technology for you or let you have a look at their phones forever. But since that’s never going to happen, plan B. How about using the problem to build your relationship. Download apps meant for couples to help build your relationship. With some of these apps for couples, you can keep that spark alive in many different ways, which will help dissolve those trust issues.
1. Between
Think of this app as another world for the two of you to be in. Between is an app for couples, suitable for Android and IOS, where couples can communicate privately and romantically. Between is a place where couples can store their photos, videos, and notes. The app collects the timestamps and location of the photos and organizes them into their proper groups. So, when both of you reminisce on a specific time, you can find it under that specific date and location. You two can save your schedules and special days with the in-built calendar and you can see your partner’s schedule. Another romantic feature is the romantic GIFs and emoticons that you and your partner can send each other.
This isn’t an app to catch your partner doing something they aren’t supposed to be doing, but this is to remind them of how perfect the two of you are together.
2. DateNight
Fix the trust issues in your relationship with DateNight, an app made for couples to find the perfect date idea. Again, you don’t need to invade your partner’s privacy to see if you can trust them. It shows that since you can’t trust them, they can’t trust you to trust them. However, rekindling is the perfect way to go because it shows you two how perfect you are together. And if they were doing something they aren’t supposed to do (not saying they are), then rekindling will bring their focus back to you and away from the bad. The best way to rekindle is by going on a date night. DateNight will assist you in finding the perfect date night idea. Pick the time of day, occasion, and budget, and DateNight will do the rest.
You can also filter ideas by category to get the best date ideas and you can create date ideas for others to look at. The app is only compatible with IOS.
3. PathShare
This app can help with trust issues in relationships, but only if your partner agrees to it. If not, it would be an invasion of privacy. But the app isn’t just for checking to see if your partner is honest, it’s also to ensure their safety. With that said, PathShare enables you and your lover to share each other’s location. This app is compatible with Android and IOS and anyone can use it, including kids and parents. But a lot of trust issues stem from lack of honesty and this will only work if your lover is open to you tracking their location, which shouldn’t be all of the time. If they don’t agree, you have to understand that it makes them feel a certain way that you feel you need to monitor them instead of trusting them when they trust you. However, they have to deal with the consequences of losing you because, at the same time, if you have nothing to worry about, then they should be open to you being able to see their whereabouts. But again, relationships are all about trust and it’s all on communicating with each other about how you both feel.
You can share your location with anyone as long as they have an internet connection. And you can use it for when your kids go on vacation, when your significant other is out drinking, or when that person needs directions.
4. Lovedays
The Lovedays app is geared towards long-distance relationships. A lot of long-distance relationships have trust issues because the two can’t touch each other and there’s this fear that the other will meet someone better who can provide all of the five senses. Sometimes people in long-distance relationships find someone near them to provide what the other person can’t. But this app is to help with those trust issues by reminding the couple that they have worked long and hard to stay together. Lovedays keeps track of how long the couple has been together, reminds them of important dates coming up, and enables couples to send cute notes to each other.
This app is compatible with Android and IOS.
5. Rave
Another app for long-distance couples with trust issues, use Rave to continue your romance from afar. Since the two of you can’t go to the movies together, Rave makes it possible for the two of you to watch a movie at the same time, alone. Both of you can “Netflix and chill” using this app. It connects to video services like Netflix and YouTube so you and your lover can enjoy the same content together. The best part is that you two can be in the room alone without anyone else. Both of you can watch a video that you upload from Google Drive or Dropbox, listen to music, and create your own mashup. You will be connected while far away. Rave can be used on Android and IOS.
6. Kindu
Another app that is perfect for couples is Kindu and it allows couples to explore romantic date ideas, communicate privately and safely, and you can bookmark your favorite ideas. This app has a double-blind match system, which allows couples to see ideas that both of them agree to. You can also anonymously submit your date ideas to your partner. This app is cute and simple to use and will help with the trust issues in the relationship by keeping the love alive with romantic date ideas you two can enjoy.
It’s hard to address the trust issues in a relationship without snooping. But you must respect your partner’s privacy. However, if you have reasons to believe they aren’t truthful, it is your choice to leave or address it calmly. Let me know which app saved your relationship, even if it is not listed.
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Hello! For starters, thank you for taking the time to figure out who I am. My name is Taylor Berry, a journalism major at Florida A&M University and I am from Fort Lauderdale, FL. God is the reason I am here right now writing for this amazing online magazine and I can't wait to see where it takes me. I am happily engaged and I love that the love of my life is so supportive of my career choices and he is the reason I am working hard at making my goals a reality. This writing opportunity at Society19 is the start and I am grateful for the people who gave me this opportunity. I know I won't let them down and I won't let the readers down. So, I encourage those of you out there who are bored or looking for the latest styles, advice, and gossip, explore Society19! And don't forget to like, comment and share!!!