Apple pie is a great way to celebrate the fall and enjoy something sweet. But you can make the season even sweeter by baking apple cake instead of apple pie. The cake layers add extra softness to the recipe and it goes surprisingly well with apple. With some apple cake ideas you can make your guests and you super happy quickly. It’s the perfect recipe for a potluck or fall party.
The sweet treat is perfect for parties or even just to eat alone at home. You can satisfy your sweet tooth quickly with some apple cake ideas and the recipes are usually relatively easy to make. Here are some of the best apple cake ideas you’re going to love!
This bundt cake delivers cinnamon goodness mixed with apples. With praline icing and cream cheese inside, the cake is super sweet and soft. The icing includes brown sugar and milk, making it even tastier. It’s perfect for a party or two, and you’ll find it hard to have just one slice. Make the recipe here.
This apple cake is super delicious and full of apples. If you love crumbs you’re going to have to try this apple cake idea, because not only it is sweet but it’s also full of crumbly goodness. The texture is similar to coffee cake, making it a great treat for anyone who is craving something with a crumbly texture with apples. What truly makes the cake worth trying though, is the glaze that it is topped off with. The glaze contains butter and vanilla that makes it super sweet and make it a great addition to the cake. Bake with the recipe here.
This cake will make you go OMG when you cut open a slice. The heavy and tall looking cake features many layers and is drizzled with caramel. In addition to the caramel adding a new dimension to the cake, there’s also buttercream icing that goes perfectly with the apple and cinnamon flavor. The appearance also mimics the changing colors of the leaves. Bake it here.
Check out Irish apple cake which is a yummy cake that goes perfectly with apples. The cake isn’t super sweet and has a tart flavor. This is a good cake to make if you’re craving apples and sweets but don’t want something that is overwhelmingly sugary. Additionally, the cake has a light and soft texture. The cake is made a little more delicious with the custard sauce that’s added on top. Bake it here.
These adorable mini bundt cakes are one of the best of the apple cake ideas. The mini apple cakes are not only cute but taste great. It’s the perfect light and small treat to enjoy. You can make it for a group of friends or for a potluck. Everyone will be unable to resist trying the sweet apple cakes! The caramel goes well with the apples and top it off, there’s also pecans added. Get the recipe here.
Who said pumpkin and apples had to be kept separate when came to baking? This sweet treat lets you have the two together and there’s even vanilla frosting. The soft cake is super sweet and yummy. You can make it with an instant pot or simply put it in the oven. The oven will give a slightly less soft texture than the instant pot, but the cake still tastes great. Make it here.
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