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The 10 Best Apps for College Students

The 10 Best Apps for College Students

Productivity, finances, fitness, and networking: there’s just so much for  college students to figure out. Luckily, we live in a digital age filled with countless ways to help you stay sane while you traverse your college years. Here are 10 must-download apps that will make your life so much easier.


During your first semester of college, you will find that to be successful life becomes a balancing act. Work, classes, sports, friends, clubs, and homework all seem to jumble together. To tame your monster of a schedule, download Evernote, one of the most popular productivity apps. Join thousands of users by taking notes, setting meeting reminders, and storing files to keep organized. Evernote is super helpful because it can be accessed on all of your devices.



You’ll get tired of hearing it from your professors, but it doesn’t make it any less true: you need to start building your professional network now. This task seems daunting at first – after all, you are trying to form connections with people so you can get a job sometime after graduation. Who really wants to think that far ahead? Have no fear! LinkedIn is here to save the day. Packed with resources to help you build a resume and portfolio, LinkedIn is a great app for students who want to build professional connections that last.


Most universities and colleges have internship or clinic graduation requirements. Looking to knock out one of the grad reqs ASAP? Starts looking into internships right away—the best ones are always filled early. It’s important to know how to use a Skype account because the number of video-interviews conducted by companies is increasing rapidly. Many internship applications will ask for your Skype ID, anyway, so it’s better to get one sooner rather than later. Skype isn’t just useful for your professional life; video calls make keeping up with family back home and friends at different colleges all the more personal and interactive.



Let’s face it: sometimes, Pandora just doesn’t deliver, and Spotify isn’t for everyone. Songza, on the other hand, offers its users playlists based on their mood or what they are currently doing.  Cramming for an exam? There’s a playlist for that. Getting ready to go out with friends? There’s a playlist for that, too. Working out at the gym? You guessed it: there’s a playlist for that!



Although some students are lucky enough to find a job on campus, sometimes work, especially at larger universities, is scarce for students. GoCommando offers an alternative to desk jobs and dead-set schedules. In just a few steps, students can do odd jobs for an assortment of companies, whether it’s passing out flyers or offering some form of s, to earn a few bucks. Already have a job? GoCommando can be your source of a little extra spending money for coffees, vacations, or date nights.


Many Friendsy users compare this app to Tinder, but an added bonus to this social app is that all users must be university or college students. By signing up with your student email, you can access hundreds to thousands of students  from registered schools. Like Tinder, users sift through profiles of other users, but instead of swiping right or left, users can select one of three options: “friends,” “hookup, or “date.” To get a match, the selected users must choose the same option.


Google Drive

Group projects: they’re either your saving grace or the bane of your existence. Easy access to file storage and sharing alleviates a lot of the stress, though. With Google Drive, you can share documents with classmates and collaborate on a single document together, allowing you to see how your project is coming along and check the progress of your groupmates. Working on a rather large capstone? Knock small chunks of it out during the day so you’re not tempted to procrastinate.



A huge part of becoming a responsible adult is the ability to keep track of your finances. Mint can help you do just that! By keeping track of your spending habits, Mint creates a color-coded pie chart to show you which goods and services you tend to buy the most. Mint will tell you how much your Starbucks coffees are really costing you. By seeing where your money goes, you can create a budget to help cut back on certain spending habits.

See Also
Reading self help books is nothing to be ashamed of, and they can actually be really helpful for college students. Check out these 4 reasons why.



You can’t avoid writing a research paper at college. Many students try to cut corners by using one site for a majority of the research, or even by buying papers off of shady websites. Others make silly mistakes with their documentation. Whether you meant to plagiarize or you made a mistake, regardless, your professor won’t put up with it. Plagiarism will stick with you after college, coming with you to every interview, so avoid this career-killer by letting Easybib take care of your bibliography. With MLA, APA, and Chicago Style formatting, Easybib offers students an easy, precise way to accredit sources. Users can even snap photos of the barcode on the books they use, and Easybib will fill in the bibliographic information automatically.


Many students leave for campus with dreams of washboard abs and toned thighs. This goal, although doable, is also very difficult to achieve. Some days, it’s hard to get to the gym: whether from lack of motivation or a jam-packed schedule, many factors keep students from exercising. MyFitnessPal is ideal to help make staying in shape easy. Staying fit is a lot more than just pushups and crunches; it’s more so about what you put into your body. MyFitnessPal tracks your calorie intake, gives you nutritional information, and records your exercise time. Seeing all of your hard work hashed out on a screen may be just the motivation you need to keep at it!



Have another helpful, must-have app? Let us know by commenting or tweet @SOCIETY19

