It’s almost Thanksgiving, so now you’ve gotta prepare food, and oh crap, you gotta invite people over! Oops, just dropped a bottle of expensive wine, and now you gotta shell out more cash to buy another bottle because god forbid you don’t have wine for your always-drunk aunt.
Seems like you need a break from prepping for the upcoming onslaught of arguing, bickering, and food prepping this holiday season. Thanksgiving can be so draining sometimes, which is why we’re here to deliver unto you some wholesome and not-so-wholesome Thanksgiving memes!
These Thanksgiving memes range from sarcastic to wholesome to witty all at once. Some of these you might’ve even seen before, and if you have…keep it to yourself. Otherwise, enjoy all of these Thanksgiving memes!
If your grandma invites you over, then surely you’ve gotta go to her Thanksgiving dinner, right? You can’t just miss it! This, among many Thanksgiving memes, commemorates the wonderful time with your grandmother.
Go make her happy, dude! No one wants a sad grandma on Thanksgiving! That’s just cruel!
Besides, if you go to your grandma’s house, you could totally snag a ton of food when you go home. Why not get several meals while you’re there?
This meme is a newer one among the Thanksgiving memes’ roster. Sometimes all we’ve gotta do is stop arguing about which holiday is better and laugh at some Thanksgiving memes together. The spirit of Thanksgiving is one of friendship and togetherness, so why not spend it with your friends?
Friendship is everything! Go and call that friend you haven’t seen in a while, and why not invite them for Thanksgiving?
This is for all the homies out there who don’t want to talk to their relatives, though they’re forced to go the dinner. Surely this is the meme everyone can relate to, right? Having pets is the best distraction ever, and is definitely better than people.
Oh, and if you have any pets, tell us their names down below. We really wanna know about your pupppers or cats; they make our day.
These Thanksgiving memes are all relatable, but this is much more relatable. Talking about politics is such a degrading thing to talk about, and it’s insane why this even happens during Thanksgiving. Some of us really wish we could just stay home, which we’re sure some of you lucky folks did and have done.
Sometimes, petting the dog isn’t enough. Stay home for your own mental health. It’s just easier and better that way. Here’s a reminder that the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. In other words, you don’t have to stick to your family like hot glue.
Okay, picture this. You’re at the dinner table, listening to people drone on about their lives before you can eat turkey. Then, it’s grace, if your family does that sort of thing.
Oh, now it’s time. You jump up and pounce on the turkey like a hungry animal, and the first piece you get is a turkey leg. You’re the first one to get the turkey leg. It’s now yours and yours alone. Victory! Now demolish it before it gets cold.
Thanksgiving memes are great, aren’t they? We just gave you a whole novel.
Ah, yes, Hispanic Thanksgiving. Somehow you prepare a ton of food, and somehow, whoever is cooking expects you to disembowel your insides so you have more room for more food.
It’s the best!
And busting out the flan? Oh, so good. Flan is one of the best Mexican desserts, and we truly feel sorry for you if you haven’t eaten flan at all before. Go try it! Mexican restaurants sell them or go to the store. Or just make it yourself!
Behold! One of the most relatable Thanksgiving memes out there! The phantom cousin!
You’ve never seen them before, and they somehow popped up when you weren’t looking. You ask, “Who are you?” And they excitedly shout that they’re your cousin, and proceed to get all up in your business.
And then you’re forced to do the same as if they didn’t just teleport into existence in front of you like a wizard trying to catch you off-guard. Like where the heck did they even come from?
Ever notice that as soon as September starts, all the major conglomerates get together and collectively decide to start putting up Christmas decorations like some sort of hive mind? Yeah, we’ve all noticed that before, and a ton of Thanksgiving memes have highlighted this exact fact.
Let’s play a game. How many times have you gotten into fights with your relatives about politics?
All of you?
Yeah, we thought so. To combat that, why not just get yourself into a coma first? More specifically, a food coma. We’re not condoning you get into a real coma to avoid your relatives. It’s possible, but don’t do it.
This is the best feeling in the world. You’re moving up in the world, from the little kid table to the big kid table. You’re moving up the ladder! Go you!
Seriously, does anyone else remember this? Yeah, us too.
If you’ve ever had horrible, intolerable relatives and family members, then you know what this feels like. Thank god we have Thanksgiving memes to relate to.
Or else we’d feel like the loneliest people ever!
Guess we went on a tangent there. Thanksgiving memes are good, relatives are bad, haha. Let’s get back into it, shall we?
Politics seems to be a running theme in all of these Thanksgiving memes. But don’t worry, this is the last one. Fights about politics get really awkward. One minute, you’re talking about how good the pie is, and the next, someone is proclaiming their loyalty to one politician while the other is desperately trying to tell them how wrong they are.
It’s a mess, really.
We’ve reached the end! All of these Thanksgiving memes are really funny, and hopefully, you had a laugh alongside us. And if you didn’t, hopefully it didn’t make you cringe too hard in your seat. We’re aware that this is a bit unconventional, reading memes on an article. But hopefully, you enjoyed them as much as we did. Happy laughing!
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