Categories: Holidays

15 Thanksgiving Desserts To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

15 Thanksgiving Desserts To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

There are many different kinds of Thanksgiving desserts to try out for the upcoming holiday, but which ones should you choose? Unfortunately, it is probably impossible to have them all for your Thanksgiving meal. However, you can still choose the best of the best with this list of 15 delicious desserts below.

Pumpkin Pie

One of the many traditional Thanksgiving desserts is pumpkin pie. For many families, this is an absolute must for an after-dinner treat! The crumbly crust, combined with the pie’s smooth texture, will delight those who eat it. As an added bonus, make some whipped cream that you can put on top of the pie. It’ll make it taste so much better!

Apple Pie

Another of the typical Thanksgiving desserts, Apple Pie, seems to just go with the season. The brightly colored apples you can pick (or buy) that you’ll use to make the pie reflect the vibrant leaves on the trees outside your home. A cool thing about making this dessert is that you can personalize it a bit by making a unique design on top of the pie!

Pumpkin Cheesecake Roll

Wow, what a great addition to the list of Thanksgiving desserts! This fantastic dessert is made by rolling a large amount of spongy pumpkin bread around a delicious filling that can either be cream cheese or, in this case, cheesecake filling. It doesn’t really matter which type of filling you choose to go with since it will be delicious no matter what!

Shoofly Pie

Do you like gingerbread? Well, you’re in luck, because this pie, out of all the Thanksgiving desserts, is the only one to include gingerbread in the recipe! This dessert is made not only with gingerbread but with pie crust crumbles that’ll make up the top of the pie. These two ingredients, while good on their own, really compliment each other in this dessert!

Pecan Pie

You can’t have a dessert table and not include pecan pie! Like pumpkin pie, it’s just one of those Thanksgiving desserts that feel like it belongs to the holiday celebration! To make this pie, you’re going to need a lot of pecans. Really, think about getting a whole bag of them if you can because this pie has them absolutely everywhere!

Peanut Butter Dessert Lasagna

You’ve heard of having regular lasagna as a dish during Thanksgiving, but have you heard of having it for dessert? Crazy, right? Nope! You just need to know what to replace to make this common meal into one of the best tasting Thanksgiving desserts you’ll ever have! Nutter Butters work well for this dessert, as well as regular peanut butter. Be sure to drizzle some caramel on top after you’re done preparing it!

Rice Pudding

This is one of the more healthy Thanksgiving desserts that you can decide to make. That doesn’t mean it’s bad, though. On the contrary, it’s actually quite good! The main ingredient is, of course, rice, but you can also add other things like fruit or nuts to give it a sort of crunch in an otherwise smooth and creamy pudding.

Pineapple Stuffing

Like the peanut butter lasagna, this is a unique take on a Thanksgiving meal turned dessert! Replace the bread that is so heavily featured in regular stuffing with pineapples! Once you cook this dessert, you’ll have a fantastic dish that you’ll add to your yearly list of Thanksgiving desserts!

Blackberry Cobbler

Alright, this cobbler probably has the most going on out of the entire collection of Thanksgiving desserts. There are three main, but distinct, inclusions in this dessert: blackberries, the crust (very important), and ice cream. The blackberries are baked with the crust in a round and deep dish. When this part is finally done, the ice cream is added to the top. The mixture of hot and cold is incredibly tasty and unique!

Pumpkin Bread

Who could forget pumpkin bread? You can have one of the most iconic Thanksgiving desserts hot or cold. Still, it’s probably preferable to eat it hot since it just seems to taste better fresh out of the oven! Many people choose to eat pumpkin bread plain, but you can include nuts, or even chocolate chips if you so choose!

See Also


Cheesecake is truly one of the tastiest Thanksgiving desserts you’ll ever have the pleasure of eating! There are so many ways you can make it, too! Do you want to make a cheesecake that only uses the regular ingredients, or do you want to experiment a little? If yes, then you should totally consider making a pumpkin-flavored cheesecake! Either way, this dessert will definitely be a hit with all your Thanksgiving guests!

Pumpkin Pudding

Lots of people like pudding, so wouldn’t it make sense to include it as one of your Thanksgiving desserts? As you prepare to serve your pumpkin pudding, consider different ways to present it to your guests. Do you want to put it in a bowl where everyone can just help themselves? Or do you want to kick it up a notch by putting a little pudding in small wine glasses with some whipped cream on top?  

Oreo Turkeys

This is one of the more creative Thanksgiving desserts you can make for the upcoming holiday. They’re straightforward to make, so don’t be afraid to try your hand at making a few of your own! All you need are Oreos (obviously), little candy eyes, butterscotch chocolates, frosting, and, last but not least, candy corn. All of these you can grab at the store beforehand. Everyone will think your little turkeys are so cute!

Turkey Cake

However, if you’re in the mood to make a bigger turkey, you absolutely need to make a turkey cake! One of the best parts about making this Thanksgiving dessert is that there is no set way to make it. Indulge your creative side as you make a cake that’ll impress all who see it!

Sweet Potato Pie

A bowl of sweet potatoes is a popular dish that is usually found on the table during the Thanksgiving meal, so why not make it a common Thanksgiving dessert as well? All you would need to do is follow the recipe for pumpkin pie, but just replace the pumpkin with sweet potatoes and the top with little marshmallows! Sweet potatoes already taste…well…sweet, and the marshmallows’ inclusion on top will only make this dessert sweeter!

Did you find new Thanksgiving desserts to try during the holiday? If so, what were they? Let us know in the comments below!

Joshua Vanakker

A new face on the writing scene, Josh VanAkker brings a breath of fresh air to the world of blogging. He enjoys working with new styles of writing, and has employed a good number of them in his many blog posts.

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