Categories: Relationships

Terrible TV Couples That Should Have Never Been A Thing

Some TV couples are amazing – they’re loving, caring, and perfect for each other. We ship them, they’re out OTP, we wait weeks, months, and even years for them to get together. And, sometimes, there are TV couples that just don’t make sense. Maybe they don’t really like each other, maybe they just have no chemistry, and maybe they’re just so absolutely toxic that there are no redeeming qualities for the relationships. Here are our top worst couples that should never have been together.

1. Gina and Charles from “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”

Of the TV couples on “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” Gina and Charles made the least sense and were also the most forgettable. These two had no chemistry at any point during the show and, quite honestly, they didn’t even seem to really like each other. Charles liking Gina I can kind of understand – he has no boundaries and is so desperate for affection that he lets people walk all over him in the name of love (which, me too).

But Gina was adamantly disgusted by her relationship with Charles and constantly considered herself out of his league, so I’ve never understood why she stayed with him for as long as she did.

2. Fez and Jackie from “That ’70s Show”

Don’t get me wrong, Fez and Jackie were cute. They had fun together and they had a great relationship. However, I would never have considered them fit to be TV couples–Fez and Jackie made amazing friends. Here’s the thing: I know Fez had a crush on Jackie early on. I also think Fez would make a great boyfriend. But Jackie never reciprocated those feelings, and her chemistry with Hyde and Kelso felt much more natural and less forced. The Fez and Jackie ship just felt like a last-ditch effort by writers to tie up loose ends in the show.

3. Michael and Jan from “The Office”

I don’t feel like this is a super hot take, but as far as TV couples on “The Office” go, Michael and Jan was by far my least favorite (even worse than Kelly and Ryan). It’s a lot like the Gina and Charles problem–they didn’t really like each other, and their relationship was incredibly one-sided and toxic. I understand how the relationship developed–Michael was so desperate to be loved that he’s willing to be treated terribly by Jan, and Jan is so lonely and disappointed with her life that she’s willing to be with someone she doesn’t like.

But their entire relationship was a terrible trainwreck from start to finish, and a great reminder that you should never be in a relationship just to avoid being alone.

4. Jon and Daenerys from “Game of Thrones”

As far as the TV couples on this list go, this is one that started off understandable and not terrible (albeit complicated), but quickly turned into icky and empty. Not even getting into the whole “She’s his aunt” bit – there was absolutely no chemistry between these two in the final season. None, nadda, zip. And it’s just so disappointing because these two both had such interesting and passionate relationships previously, so seeing them end on such a weird and kind of gross note was just a total bummer.

5. Nick and Sabrina from “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”

This is a super personal preference, but Nick and Sabrina definitely belong on my list of TV couples that didn’t work. I grew up watching “Sabrina the Teenage Witch,” so, in my mind, Sabrina belongs with Harvey Kinkle. So even in the new, darker remake, I still wanted her to end up with Harvey. And while I understand why she didn’t, I couldn’t even bring myself to ship her with Nick. There was definitely chemistry between them, I won’t lie, but it all felt so melodramatic and toxic. It never really felt like they trusted each other completely.

Also, loving someone doesn’t make up for toxic qualities and actions.

6. Nick and Reagan from “New Girl”

I love “New Girl”–I’ve watched it all the way through at least four or five times and will automatically put it on when I need a comfort show. Nick and Jess have always been and always will be one of my top ships – which is probably one of the reasons I absolutely hate Nick and Reagan. Personally, I actually really liked Reagan–I thought she was a really interesting character and a fun new dynamic to add to the loft.

See Also

However, her and Nick’s relationship was just a means to an end (the end being Nick and Jess). They had chemistry, but they didn’t really make each other better in any way and they didn’t really add to the storyline other than to make Jess realize she wanted to be with Nick. So like overall, hard pass on this couple.

7.  Ross and Rachel from “Friends”

This is one of the most controversial TV couples on the list–some people view Ross and Rachel as endgame, and some people feel like they were absolutely awful and shouldn’t have ended up together. Unfortunately for all Ross and Rachel shippers here, I am of the latter opinion. I genuinely did not enjoy their relationship and felt like it was drawn out way longer than it needed to be. They didn’t enjoy the same things, they didn’t really fit personality-wise, and they were just terrible at communicating.

Personally, I always felt that Rachel and Joey was a much more solid and natural relationship, but the show treated it as a means to an end, which was a huge disappointment.

8. Santana and Sam from “Glee”

There are so many TV couples from “Glee” that were absolutely awful – honestly, most of them were pretty bad and incredibly toxic and just should not have existed – but Sam and Santana always made me the most uncomfortable. They were built entirely on anger and bitterness and an effort to make other people jealous. Plus, Santana was incredibly mean to Sam (well, to everyone) and he was already heartbroken over Quinn, so it was just a terrible time for him all around. There were so many terrible relationships in this show though that you could write a whole article devoted to them.

9. Stefan and Elena from “The Vampire Diaries”

Vampire Diaries fans, come get your tea–of the TV couples featured in the show, Stefan and Elena were my least favorite. I am a huge Elena and Damon shipper (although I know that they also had their fair share of issues). Honestly, my issue with Stefan and Elena was that they were just burned out. They kept the relationship up way longer than they should have, and they weren’t even that interesting or functional to begin with. There were just so many more interesting and solid relationships in the show that I can’t understand why Stefan and Elena were considered so vital.

Know of other TV couples that were awful and should never have been together? Tell us in the comments!

Featured Image Source:
Draven Jackson

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