Categories: Holidays

15 Terrible Christmas Gifts Everyone Gets

We don’t mean to be ingrates, but some of these Christmas gifts…could have been purchased with more thought. Yes, it is the thought that counts, and that’s why purchasing a gift with the person’s interest in mind is important. Otherwise, you’re just placing a gift under the tree to save face. Christmas is a time for deceiving your extended family into believing that they’ve been on your mind. But if you’re going to put forth a lazy effort to do so, you might as well stop the tradition altogether. With that, here’s a list of fifteen terrible Christmas gifts everyone gets. 

1. Socks

Out of all the shitty presents on this list, socks are the most prototypical of terrible Christmas gifts. I understand that they have a utilitarian use and that some people just need more socks in their dresser. For parents, the gift of socks can be another item they can cross off their list. However, you still have the kids to please, and they deserve something that evokes more excitement than a pair of socks. 

2. Visa Gift Cards

For estranged family members, this gift is perfect. But if you’ve seen your family members in the last year or so, don’t buy them Visa gift cards out of a fear of disappointing. Remember it’s the thought that counts. An item that misses the mark but shows you at least had them in mind is better than a Visa gift card. 

3. Gift Cards For Places They’ve Never Stepped Foot In

Remember that audacious gift buying that misses the mark should still be done with the utmost care. Buying a gift card and crossing your fingers that they’ll like it takes just as much thought as purchasing a Visa gift card. 

4. The Gift He Or She Already Has

Before you purchase that gift, be certain that the gift isn’t a repeat of a previous year. In this case, you did have the person in mind. You simply forgot an integral part of the purchasing process: knowing what they already have! Giving your little cousin the same console that he already has is a sign that you’re out of touch with his life. 

5.  Hawaiian Shirts

Ladies, please stop giving your men Hawaiian shirts for the holidays. Those patterns may look decent on a blanket, but trust me when I say that few men want them on their bodies. To be honest, they’re just terrible Christmas gifts. 

6. The Ugly Christmas Sweater

This idea is rife among aunts and uncles. You can still satisfy your fervent desire to see them wear that ugly Christmas sweater, just add it as a funny stocking stuffer in addition to the better gift. 

7. The Popular Toy

Don’t fall casualty to the fallacy that the more popular a toy is, the more they’ll enjoy it. Again, gift buying should be based on the individual. Buying your little cousin the new, ubiquitous star wars toy doesn’t mean she’ll like it. In fact, it reveals that you didn’t have her interest in mind at all. 

8. The Toy He Asked For

Part of the joy of Christmas is the excitement that comes from not knowing what’s under the tree. If you’re going to ask them what they would want, make sure they give you three or more options to choose from. Then, you can still witness his face light up as he unwraps the gift. 

9. Perfume Or Cologne

People have very fragile self-perceptions, and the gift of perfume or cologne can be interpreted as an insinuation that the receiver is smelly. I understand that a vague insult probably wasn’t the message you were wanting to convey, but it’ll be the interpretation nonetheless. 

10. The Gifts You’d Like To See Them Wear

Remember the bunny costume in A Christmas story? Yeah…don’t give them clothes or accessories for the sole purpose of seeing them worn. You won’t find fulfillment in their disappointment, and they’ll dread having to wear your gift when you visit.

11. The Clothes That Don’t Fit

Although this is unavoidable at times, be certain that you’re purchasing the right size. I wouldn’t categorize this as a terrible Christmas gift since clothes can always be exchanged for the right size. However, the frequency of this mistake lands it on this list. 

See Also

12. Workout Equipment

While certain people would love this gift, it can imply that the receiver needs to lose some weight. If your’e considering this idea, you should probably buy them athletic clothes instead. 

13. Lingerie

For most of this list, I’ve focused on gifts typically purchased by women. The husband isn’t always the best gift giver either though. Yes, lingerie is an apt gift for your significant other. It’ll remind her that she’s still sexy to you, and it could lead to some action later. However, refrain from placing this gift under your parents’ Christmas tree. Whenever your significant other unwraps it, what will follow will invariably be an awkward silence. Save that unwrapping for later. 

14. Sex Toys

Purchasing a sex toy for your significant other will not only disturb your parents, but it’ll also give your significant other the impression that you’re dissatisfied with your sex life. And that’s an argument that you want to avoid on Christmas Day. 

15. Decorations

Even though you may have an affinity for antiques, that doesn’t mean everyone else does. Everyone has their own style, and imposing yours onto it will lead to your gift being thrown in the trash. Style is a hard thing to pinpoint, so I would eschew purchasing a decoration at all. On the other hand, if you insist on buying decor, please have them in mind as you make your purchase. Carefully examine their style and buy accordingly. 

There’s an infinite amount of terrible Christmas gifts to add to this list. The shitty gifts above are just what I’ve found to be the most frequent. What are some of the terrible Christmas gifts that you’ve received over the years? What stands out as being the worst? Comment down below.
Blake Dysinger

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