
Your Ultimate Temple University Transfer Checklist

Congratulations! You have been accepted as a Temple University transfer student. Whether you graduated from community college and are continuing or are transferring from another college for various reasons, we are excited to have you in the Owl family. Before you start your first semester, you will need to complete a few tasks before the new semester starts. More information and tasks may be in your TUPortal, but here are a few basic things that you will need to complete.

1. Get your transcripts sent

When you transfer, Temple University needs a record of classes you have taken before, whether it was at a community college or another four-year institution. This will help you by making sure you do not retake classes you do not need. You will also need to obtain high school transcripts for Temple. Get this step done early in the process to ensure Temple receives them in time.

2. Pick your classes at transfer orientation

Temple University transfer students pick classes at their transfer orientation. This is also an information session about the specific college you are enrolled in, so it is crucial that you attend so you can learn what requirements you need. Advisors will be on hand to help you navigate the course selection system for the first time and to help you make a schedule to fit your needs.

3. Get your Temple ID

While you are on campus while getting other steps finished, take a few moments to get your OwlCard, which is your official Temple ID. This ID is your pass to get into buildings as you need to show or scan them in order to enter most buildings. The OwlCard also has Diamond Dollars, the on-campus currency, loaded to them, so you or loved ones can load for you to buy food or necessities on campus.

4. Make sure your financial aid is in order

Make sure you have everything you need when it comes to financial aid. If you have any questions about your award letter or where to apply for scholarships, go to Temple’s financial aid office to get questions answered. Also, if you are taking out federal loans for the first time, you will need to do entrance counseling online.

5. Go on a campus tour

While this is not a requirement (I did not do this, but wish I did), going on a campus tour can help you learn where everything is and will help you navigate your way around campus. If you still need directions after the fact, there are plenty of people who are willing to help guide you and there are maps located online and around campus.

6. Make sure you have your living arrangements set up

If you are living in a dorm or renting an apartment, make sure you know what is expected and that you have the necessary money in to make sure you are all set. If you are living at home and commuting, make sure you know how to get to campus while allotting plenty of time for travel.

7. Complete the online tour of Temple information

This online tour will be on your portal checklist of things you need to complete. It will teach you the basics of campus, from everything you need to know about the student center to various aspects of student life while on campus. It is a resource that will help you navigate around and be involved in your time at Temple University.

See Also

8. If needed, get your semester Septa pass

If you are a commuter student attending full-time, you are eligible to obtain a Septa semester pass from the bursar’s office. While the price might seem a bit high, especially if you need the Everywhere Pass, it is actually saving you money and most passes (except for bus passes) can be used on all forms of Septa transportation.

9. Pay your down payment to reserve your spot at Temple University

This should be one of the first things you do, as you will not be able to do much until this step is completed. You only need to pay this once, but it reserves your spot as a student. If you are living on campus, you will also need to put a one-time reservation payment down to reserve your housing.

10. Attend Convocation

Convocation is the final step to take before you start your first semester at Temple. This event features a college-specific lecture before going to the Liacouras Center for a pep rally and official welcome from campus administration. You will learn the Temple fight song and alma mater song along with “I Believe That We Have Won.” The event concludes with free food.

We hope our advice helped all of you future Temple University students, and we wish you the best of luck!

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Ashley Paskill

Ashley is a recent graduate from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA with her Bachelor's in journalism. She love writing articles about music and Philadelphia. Ashley would love to pursue a career in journalism in New York City.

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