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15 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Totally From St Louis, Missouri

15 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Totally From St Louis, Missouri

There are certain things that every person in St. Louis has thought or experienced before. Here are 15 tell-tale signs that you're from St Louis, Missouri.

Whether you’ve lived in St. Louis your entire life or it is slowly becoming your forever home there are certain things that every person in St. Louis has thought or experienced before.  Here are 15 tell-tale signs that you’re from St Louis, Missouri.

1. Imo’s pizza is a MUST.

Maybe your go-to pizza is a Deluxe, or maybe you and your friends share a Square Meal Deal before a night in with your favorite movies. Whatever type of pizza you get, if you’re getting it from the famous St. Louis style pizza, you’re doing it right.

2. Your outfit choice.

If you’re from St. Louis, you’ll probably wear a pair of shorts with some rain boots and a winter coat at least twice a week. Missouri is one of the few lucky states that can have snow in the morning, sunshine by lunch and rain at night.


3. Wanting to never leave STL.

No matter how many beach vacations you take and no matter how far away your college is, you’ll always find yourself coming back to the Lou.

4. Asking someone where they went to high school.

Let’s be honest.. if you’re from St. Louis, you most likely judge someone simply based on where they went to high school. Chances are you and your friends have either asked or answered the question, “Where did you go to high school?” at least a dozen times.

5. Hating all things Chicago… besides Chicago.

Cubs? Bears? Black Hawks? If you’re from St. Louis, yep you guessed it, you absolutely despise these sports teams. The only difference is that you probably love the city that they reside in. It’s okay if you want to strut your favorite blue-note jersey down the streets of Chi-Town.. we won’t tell.



6. Being the best fans in baseball.

In 2015, St. Louis was awarded “Best Fans in Baseball” by Forbes magazine. Nearly 76% of St. Louisans attended, watched or listen to the good ‘ole Cardinals baseball. So you betcha, if you’re a part of the best fans in baseball, you’re from St. Louis. Oh, and 11 World Series wins doesn’t hurt either.

7. Every time you see the Gateway Arch you say..

“Hey look!! There’s the Arch!” is probably a phrase you either say yourself, or hear someone else say every time you find yourself downtown. No matter how many times you see the Arch, you react like it’s the first time.


8. Your “city museum” requires tennis shoes and knee pads.

Unlike other city museums, yours requires tennis shoes and knee pads. You get to climb around your 10 story (plus a roof) recycled museum with no limitations or rules. Underground tunnels and caves take you places you’ve never been before, like a 10 story slide. Oh, and have you seen our ferris wheel on the roof?

9. You don’t have a football team.

If you’re from St. Louis, chances are, you don’t have a football team. Rams who? Whatever that is.. it doesn’t matter because what you do have is a kick-ass hockey and baseball team.

10. You rock out to Nelly and Tech9.

“Hot in Here” and “Hood Go Crazy” are classic jams that you’ll most likely hear at any party or just around St. Louis. Other people you meet will either have no idea who Nelly and Tech9 are or they simply just won’t understand the musical geniuses that Missouri has provided.

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11. You have the best zoo in the nation.

Not only has St. Louis been voted the best zoo in the nation.. but it is also free. So even if your ball’n on a budget, the zoo is the perfect place for a nice day out.


12. You don’t know who Albert Pujols is.

Albert who? We don’t know ’em.

13. You live for Ted Drewes Frozen Custard.

Ted Drewes is a MUST if you’re from St. Louis, or maybe if you’re in town for a quick visit, make sure you fill up on some yummy St. Louis custard.

14. You’re a die hard Blues fan.

If you’ve made it this far down the list, then you’ll know that St. Louis is kind of big on its sports teams and fan bases. Blues hockey is just another reason to love St. Louis. I mean.. have you seen Alex Pietrangelo.


15. St. Louis Love.

St. Louis has so much love for its city and its people. From the fundraising walks downtown, to the sporting events and concerts, no matter what it may be, you’ll always find an enormous amount of love radiating throughout St. Louis.

Can you think of any more signs that show you’re from St Louis? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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