When planning a trip there is normally a written to do list, several Google searches, and a lot of headache.…
A digital detox is a must. While technology is a blessing, too much of something isn't healthy. Our generation is, what…
Snapchat is a social media platform we are all using now! It has become the new way of communication between teens…
Growing up as a Millennial means growing up in an era with huge advances in technology; and with those advances,…
When you’re a college student, saving money is an essential way to survive. From morning coffee to saving on everyday…
Fidget Spinners. Have you heard of them? Of course you have. It is one of the most ridiculous trends that…
No one wants to admit that they're addicted to something, especially when it comes to social media. So how do…
Group chats: the glue of a clique, a forum for never-ending conversation, a means of nighttime entertainment. We all simultaneously…