What Tattoo You Should Get Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Getting a tattoo is quite a commitment. It is something that will be on your body forever, after all. As a result of that, you want to make sure that what you get is special to you. That can be easier said than done, however. So, for those who are indecisive about what to get and are into astrology, check out these ideas of tattoo designs based on your zodiac sign.
1. Aries: Key
As an Aries, you have a strong need for success and your go-getting personality is what fuels you. Your friends also look to you for advice in every aspect of life. You are also not one to follow the crowd and tend to lead. As a result of this, for your tattoo consider a key.
2. Taurus: Anchor
As a Taurus, you are loyal and your perseverance, among many other admirable qualities, sets you apart from others. You value quality over quantity and you thrive on stability. Due to this, an anchor would be a great tattoo for you as it represents everything you are and that is important to you – security, dedication, and hope. This such a fitting tattoo for this zodiac sign!
3. Gemini: Wave
You never fail to leave an impression on everyone you meet. In fact, you are considered to be one of the most interesting signs. You are a free spirit, who likes to travel. A wave is a great way to symbolize your wanderlust and freedom.
4. Cancer: Yin Yang
As a Cancer, you crave attention and reassurance from others. Despite that, however, you know you are more than capable of going it alone. While you like to be spontaneous, you always make sure to balance your adventures with your great sense of responsibility. As a result of your contradictions, the yin yang symbol is perfect for you, as it represents your ability to balance being independent and your need to be loved.
5. Leo: Crown
You are the leader of the pack, Leo. You aren’t afraid to be straightforward and direct. You also exude passion and courage in everything you do. You also love being the center of attention. As a result of this, a crown tattoo is perfect for you.
6. Virgo: Owl
You have a fierce intelligence that makes you get things done. You are straightforward, a logical thinker, and the one everyone goes to in times of crisis. You are also a perfectionist who has their life together. Due to your wisdom and knowledge, an owl is a great choice for your tattoo.
7. Libra: Peacock
As a Libra, you love to do new, exciting, and unusual things. You also like to do them with equally unique people. You’ve got a lot of flair and know just how to ruffle some feathers and show off when necessary, making a peacock the perfect design for you. I love this design for this zodiac sign!
8. Scorpio: Scorpion
If you know a scorpio, you know they are great at keeping you on your toes. They are intense and have a strong and commanding personality. A scorpion would be the perfect symbol for your tattoo, as that small but mighty creature has the power to amaze and shock just like you.
9. Sagittarius : Map
As a Sagittarius, you are always seeking new adventures. You don’t care if you have to explore alone, either. You thrive on freedom and independence and you are always kind to others. You also love yourself some deep, philosophical conversations about life. A world map design or coordinates to your go-to spot would capture your wanderlust spirit perfectly. Such a fitting tattoo for this zodiac sign!
10. Capricorn: Clock
As a Capricorn, you are a leader and will likely take over anything you do. You are a self-starter and value your professional life. You are also an expert in time management, making a clock tattoo perfect for you. Its the perfect reminder that time is all your own and also time is money.
11. Aquarius: Dove
You are particularly conscious of the world around you and you live to help others. You have a wild imagination and are full of curiosity that always seems to lead you into interesting situations. You also think outside the box and use your creativity to go about the world and solve problems. Your friends can always count on you to bring good vibes wherever you go. The dove is perfect for your tattoo as it symbolizes peace, love, and harmony, just like you.
12. Pisces: Music Note
Intuition and compassion are two very important parts of a Pisces. You are always up for a charity event and volunteer work. You always see the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt, even if they don’t deserve it. You are also a hopeless romantic who seeks long, committed relationships. You are also artistic and are musically inclined making a music note a tasteful way to represent you.