why i chose

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To The University Of Akron

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To The University Of Akron

I only knew University of Akron through a college search engine website, so I didn’t know what I would find…

1 month ago

10 Reasons Why I Chose the University of Miami

The University of Miami is a terrific school; it has an awesome campus, friendly people, and great academics...it's truly the…

11 months ago

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To University of South Carolina

As cliché as it sounds, every school really is special in it's own way. With all of schools' traditions, sporting…

7 years ago

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Pitt

Deciding on where to go to college can be a difficult decision for many people. But with the difficulty of…

8 years ago

11 Reasons Why I Chose PSUA

“It must suck knowing you’re just going into the 13th grade” some have said. No, as a matter of fact,…

8 years ago