
15 Vegan Recipes You Have To Try This Thanksgiving

15 Vegan Recipes You Have To Try This Thanksgiving

Fall is just around the corner, and it's never too early to start planning all the dishes you'll be serving…

5 years ago

5 Recipes You Won’t Believe Are Vegan

Most people perceive vegan recipes to be made with tofu, spinach, and a whole lot of boring and bland flavors.…

5 years ago

15 Vegan Beauty and Body Products You Have To Try

With thousands of beauty and body products available, it is difficult to know which ones are the best and worth…

5 years ago

10 Vegan Snacks To Try This Week

Whether you are a full-time vegan or just interested in dipping your toe in the vegan waters, snacks are a…

5 years ago

Maya French And Her Vegan Protein Shakes

Listen up, Vegans! And, non-vegans alike. There are a new Vegan Protein Shake and a woman behind its creation. That…

5 years ago

10 Tasty Vegan Recipes for Lunch and Dinner

Vegan recipes may not use animal-derived ingredients but that doesn’t mean they can’t make tasty meals! There are so many…

5 years ago

How Stella McCartney Is Reinventing The Sneaker

If you’ve never heard of Stella McCartney, you should Google her. Odds are her Rockstar father will pop up first,…

5 years ago

10 Quick Vegan Snacks To Make After A Long Day At School

Here are some 10 quick vegan snacks to make after you've had a long day at school! Personally, snacking is…

5 years ago

Recipes For A Tasty Vegan Breakfast

You always here how breakfast is the most important meal to have, and it is true! It will give you…

5 years ago

10 Best Vegan Smoothies That Help Digestion

Suffering from digestion issues is no fun at all and many of us encounter it, along with the annoying bloating…

5 years ago