How many times have you heard the phrase “things just aren’t like they used to be” or “back in my…
Now, you may have opened this article hoping it was the master cheat-sheet check-list to help you on how to…
Our mothers are from all different time periods. Whether she rocked the 80s or was a hippie in the 70s,…
You think freshman year is hard? Try being a transfer student and having to go through that awkward-where-the-hell-am-I phase twice.…
Oh it’s the most wonderful time of the semester! Formal season is finally upon us. Which means that formal preparation…
It all started with Steve Irwin... Flashback to 2006, I was home from school, sick on the couch, spending my day off lounging and watching reruns…
All dedicated Fitbit owners know how life changing these little gadgets can be. You wouldn’t think a fitness tracker could…
It took me (literally) until the last day possible to decide what college I was going to go to. I was the…
This winter hasn’t exactly been a snowy one, but I know it’s definitely been a lazy one. Cold seasons bring…
It is not always easy being a girl who loves sports, especially when people do not take you all that…