UMD Freshmen

10 Things To Do With Your Parents At UMD

10 Things To Do With Your Parents At UMD

Are your parents visiting you while you're at UMD? Are you stuck wondering where to take them and what to…

1 week ago

10 Reasons To Love Fall At UMD

Fall is officially here! The temperature is just right and you can finally dust off all of your favorite sweaters…

4 weeks ago

7 Things You Only Understand If You Live In Centreville Hall At UMD

Most people who have lived in or currently live in Centreville Hall have many mixed emotions about it. Some people…

2 months ago

Top 10 Late Night Food Places Around UMD

We’ve all been there- it’s 2 AM after a long night out on the weekend and you’re starting to get…

3 months ago

10 Tips For The Perfect Tailgate At UMD

If you were anything like me when you were looking for a college to attend, you probably got super psyched…

4 months ago

20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At The University Of Maryland

What is your new home like?  What happens if you fail a class?  What do you do at 2 AM…

8 years ago