The Ultimate Guide To UGA Orientation

The Ultimate Guide To UGA Orientation

When you first come to UGA orientation, you will probably be with your parents, wishing your dad wouldn’t embarrass you…

8 years ago

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went To Orientation At UGA

Orientation at UGA will be the craziest experience of your pre-freshman year summer. Every minute of the two day adventure…

8 years ago

5 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At UGA

It's senior year. Your mind's consumed with the rushing thoughts of test scores and college applications. And the worrying of…

8 years ago

10 Signs You Went To A Private High School

From kindergarten through my senior year of high school, I only attended small private schools. Despite some of the minor…

8 years ago

10 Would You Rathers: UGA Edition

"Would You Rather": a classic game of which option sounds less terrible. As students at the University of Georgia, we…

8 years ago

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To University of Georgia

It’s getting to that time of the year where you (high school seniors) are attempting to plan out the oh…

8 years ago

10 Things Every University of Georgia Student Asks Themselves

Being a UGA student has its perks, its downfalls, and definitely many unanswered questions. Whether you're an undergrad, grad student,…

8 years ago

10 Pictures of UGA Students That Absolutely Crushed It At Okeechobee

With a killer artist lineup that just so happened to align ideally with UGA's spring break, for many, Okeechobee Music…

8 years ago

20 Hacks To Make Your Life Easier At University of Georgia

College is the best and sometimes the most stressful time ever. You’re trying to have the best time ever and…

8 years ago

15 Famous Alumni From The University of Georgia

The University of Georgia is known for its academic rigor and its location in one of the best college towns…

8 years ago