Ways To Prepare To Study Abroad Through UCEAP

Ways To Prepare To Study Abroad Through UCEAP

If you are a student from one of the UC schools (the University of California's: Berkeley, Los Angeles, Merced, Santa…

6 years ago

10 Free Things To Do Around UC Santa Barbara

Hey, Gauchos! Whether you’re an incoming student or a continuing student, we can all agree that college is expensive and we…

8 years ago

15 Famous Alumni From UC Santa Barbara

Us current Gauchos have a lot to live up to. Being a UC Santa Barbara alum is already honorable enough,…

8 years ago

20 Signs You Grew Up In Southern California

Ah, Southern California, conjuring images of sunshine, palm trees, glamour, and movie stars around the globe. SoCal is a special…

8 years ago