types of roommates

12 Types Of Roommates Everyone Has In College

12 Types Of Roommates Everyone Has In College

ARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! College right? Yeah, that place. You love it, you hate it and it costs a whole lot of money.…

6 years ago

12 Types Of College Roommates Everyone Has

While in college, you’re bound to meet a long list of characters. While living on campus, however, we hope for…

7 years ago

12 Types Of Roommates Everyone Will Have In College

The beginning of the school year is just around the corner. For me, starting college means I will get to…

7 years ago

12 Types Of Roommates Everyone Has In College

Roommates can be pretty darn awesome or jusy plain rank. The perfect roommate is difficult to find as differing personalities…

7 years ago