Texas Christian University

What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At Texas Christian University

What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At Texas Christian University

Sorority recruitment is a huge deal at most southern universities. The summer before your freshman year in college is crucial…

1 day ago

10 Best Places To Cry When You Just Cant Anymore At Texas Christian University

You know that part of the semester where it just seems like everyday you're getting hit by a Ford F150…

5 days ago

15 Struggles During Your Junior Year of College

Are you questioning what you should do with the rest of your life? Having what you think is a college…

6 months ago

10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At Texas Christian University

At Texas Christian University, students come from all different backgrounds. However, when it comes to what you will never hear…

7 years ago

You Know You Go To Texas Christian University When…

It's pretty obvious that Texas Christian University is the best school in the country. Who wouldn't want to be in…

8 years ago

10 GIFs That Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At TCU

To the outside world, TCU students are hard-studying, frat-partying, football-watching, trust-funded preps. And while they might have hit the nail…

8 years ago

10 GIFs That Describe What Its Like To Be A Student At Texas Christian University

If you're reading this article it means you have been blessed with the amazing opportunity to attend Texas Christian University…

8 years ago

What To Do Around Texas Christian University When You’re Broke AF

As any TCU student knows, the ability to call yourself a Horned Frog comes with a pretty hefty price tag.…

8 years ago

10 Things You’ll Never Hear A Student Say At Texas Christian University

Texas Christian University, home of the Horned Frogs, is an incredible place to call home, but there are of course…

8 years ago