You’re standing in Target or Walmart and you’ve got your checklist and pen ready to go… But do you really…
Keep reading for 10 helpful tips that all students traveling abroad should know beforehand! 1. Book all your tickets well…
Keep reading for 9 things only a student with a New Jersey accent understands! 1. People view you differently depending on the way…
Congratulations on getting accepted to Temple University! With over 400 academic programs, Temple is the perfect choice for a quality…
University housing is really an important aspect about college, not only is it a place that you’ll live at for…
Adjusting anywhere is usually tricky. Adjusting to college is even more difficult. And adjusting to college as a freshman is one…
The end of the semester is here and while many of us will be heading home, a lot of us…
Being an art student is a huge responsibility. This semester has really been an influential and eye opening period for…
Anyone who knows me--for either years or a few seconds—knows that I hate Greek Life and frats. No, I despise…
As the semester is coming to an end, students are most likely stressed and exhausted. With summer right around the…