Deciding which classes to take next semester? Try going out of your comfort zone and pick a class that is…
Traveling in a plane, let alone going abroad, can be a little taxing. There are quite a few regulations to…
There are quite a few ways to have some fun at Temple for all my underage students. However, it all…
Finals week can be a stressful time for students. It’s important to prepare ahead of time to get the best…
It is never easy to be single, but it is definitely never easy to be single when you are surrounded…
Located in the heart of North Philadelphia, Temple University is known for having wild parties. Whether you’re outside mingling in a…
Keep reading for 20 things every Temple freshman should know! 1. Watch out for your fellow Owl. One of the…
Temple Residence Halls may get cramped at times. You need to be as efficient and creative as possible to fit…
Orientation is coming up, and many of us are eager to explore the university and get an idea of what…
You’re standing in Target or Walmart and you’ve got your checklist and pen ready to go… But do you really…