
14 Signs You Have a Phone Addiction

14 Signs You Have a Phone Addiction

Phones, I have one, you have one, your great grandmother has one, and possibly even your toddler nephew too. In…

2 years ago

Hot Devices You Need This Fall

Technology's getting better and more impressive everyday. Whether it's laptops, tablets or more, new features and improvements are being released…

2 years ago

How To Find The Best Affordable Tablet For College

Tablets have become so technologically advanced that some of them can do anything that a laptop can do. Given the…

2 years ago

Affordable Ways to Store and Protect Your Files

As a student there’s nothing scarier than realizing (after your computer crashes) that you didn’t back up your files.  All…

2 years ago

Picking the Right Laptop for College (Mac vs PC vs Tablet)

In this day and age, any PC, Mac, or tablet will be good enough to bring with you to college.…

2 years ago

Computing in the Core Coalition

Computing in the Core Coalition initiated the first Computer Science Education Week in 2009. Tech giants such as Google, Intel,…

2 years ago

Reasons Why People Need To Unplug From Technology

Technology has a significant role in our world today. People need to unplug from technology. Here are a few reasons…

4 years ago

20 Best ChromeBooks That Every College Student Needs

Chromebooks are a must for all college students, as the price and practicality of them simply cannot be beat. Here…

5 years ago

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Wearable Fitness Technology

As more and more of us adopt fitness rituals into our own lives, the variety of fitness technology is only…

5 years ago

Iphone SE or Iphone 11? Which One Is For You?

Apple’s iPhone SE and iPhone 11 are all very similar to each other. However, Apple’s new iPhone SE is almost…

5 years ago