Suffolk University

The Best Places To Cry At Suffolk University When You Just Can’t Deal Anymore

The Best Places To Cry At Suffolk University When You Just Can’t Deal Anymore

Back to school season means stress levels and responsibilities will skyrocket! College can be extremely stressful for anyone who’s trying…

6 years ago

8 Places To Hook Up At Suffolk University

College gives people the opportunity to experiment with themselves socially and physically. A good chunk of people are hooking up…

6 years ago

20 Signs You Go To Suffolk University

Every school has its signs that can point out someone attends that university. I went to Suffolk University located in…

7 years ago

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Suffolk University

Every school has its traits and status quo that fits with their students. I went to Suffolk University in the…

7 years ago

The 10 Best Places To Eat Around Suffolk University

Having Boston as your campus leaves miles [literally] of options when it comes to food. Not to say anything negative about…

7 years ago

Your Ultimate Boston Bucket List For This Summer

We’ve finally hit it: the worst part of winter. Holidays are long gone, but the cold weather has turned even…

7 years ago

20 Signs You Grew Up In Boston

If you grew up in Boston, this city will always have a place in your heart. It really is like…

8 years ago