Everyone knows that with college comes a whole new dating pool. That means plenty of opportunities to get creative from where…
velenty. Going to college is definitely a life-changing experience. It is an opportunity for you to grow as a student, but…
Connecticut College may not be your typical party school (by any stretch of the imagination); however, partying is a part…
College parties can be hard to navigate. How do you get in? How do you find out about them? What…
We all know that partying is a part of college. Most schools across the nation have some sort of party scene, but…
You’re probably dying to know what it’s like to be at a college party; when I was your age, I…
Most students are nervous about going to college; and that's normal, there is a lot to worry about! Classes, friends,…
I’m a freshman at Kent State University. While I’ve only been here for about a month, I have not been…
With the variety of majors and lifestyles that Johnnies have, everyone’s day is obviously a little different—but every Johnny shares…
Texas Tech has a wide variety of living options to choose from. The following is a ranking of the best (and worst) residence halls…