student life

Rebuilding Your Identity After Leaving College

Rebuilding Your Identity After Leaving College

College is a remarkable time to find out who you really are: you join clubs, fraternities, teams, get jobs, find…

4 years ago

The Benefits To Keeping A Journal Or Diary As A Student

Journaling generally involves the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores thoughts and feelings surrounding the events of…

5 years ago

The College Dorm Room Essentials You Won’t Be Able To Live Without

College dorm room essentials help you curate your home away from home and adjust to life on your own! If…

5 years ago

10 Places To Go On A Cheap Date By Emerson

Stop worrying about taking your loved one to a fancy place– especially if you are a student. Dates are supposed…

5 years ago

Iowa State Dining: Ranked

Any college students number one concern... Food. At Iowa State, that is no different. Iowa State currently has 5 dining…

5 years ago

Stores That Offer Student Discounts

College can be a drag sometimes. The endless papers, projects, and reading can really take a toll on us and…

5 years ago

The Best Parts About Being A Student In A Big City

Picking the right University for you is understandably a big decision. But one of the main selling points that goes…

6 years ago

10 Backpacks For College Students That Are Practical And Stylish

Remember those high school days where you could show up to class with just a notebook and pencil case and…

6 years ago

Why Toronto Is The Best City For a Student

If you’re anything like me and grew up in a small town, making the move to a big city can…

6 years ago

How To Eat Healthy On Campus

One of the hardest parts of becoming an moving out of mom and dad’s house is learning the balance between…

6 years ago