Choosing your next step after high school takes a lot of time, research, and support from your family. Some may…
Going away to college is certainly a life changing experience and although change can be exhilarating and liberating to some,…
Starting college is a bit like entering a new life. Before you head off to Ohio University in the fall, you…
You’ve just spent a whole year stressing about college. You didn't know what your SAT/ACT scores would be, or if they…
The transition between high school and college has never been an easy one for me to grasp. People described the…
College is the one time you can get away with almost anything by saying that you were finding yourself. It…
College may sound stressful, exciting, overwhelming, amazing and scary all at once. But that will be over after a few…
I remember during my freshman orientation in Walsh Gym, the Dean of Arts & Sciences said "You will find your…