When you come to college, it usually helps to join a club, sports team, or some type of organization on…
Are you thinking about getting involved in Greek life during your freshman year, but don't know anything about sorority recruitment? Sorority…
6 days. 9 houses. The whirlwind of sorority recruitment at CU Boulder is unlike any other. At a school where…
Panhellenic Council has caught your interest, you’ve gone to the Greek fairs, and submitted your application for recruitment at SJU.…
Joining a sorority is a great way to get involved at any involved at any university. Although it may not…
Sorority recruitment at Michigan State University, if you made it through or not, is an unusual, friendly and fulfilling process.…
Ah, sorority recruitment at Oregon State University. For many girls, myself included, it's an exhausting process filled with cute outfits,…
Are you thinking about sorority recruitment at Penn State University? As an incoming freshman, I had no interest in rushing…
Starting your freshman year at UCLA can be daunting in a plethora of ways. Including but not limited to meeting…
Sorority rushing is the closest thing to online dating you can get to without actually having to go on awkward…