SJU Students

A Guide To Being Single At SJU

A Guide To Being Single At SJU

There are 8.406 million people in New York City and still, it seems like it’s really hard to find someone…

7 months ago

10 Ways To Start The Semester Off Right At SJU

As the summer is winding down, it's time to start thinking about heading back to school. The start of each…

7 months ago

10 Ways to Get Ready for Freshman Year at SJU

So you’ve gotten through the college application and acceptance process. Congrats to you! But what comes next? From learning how…

7 months ago

12 SJU Students To Look Out For

SJU breeds talent, and when it comes to the Class of 2020 on Queens Campus, several students are #doingbigthings and…

7 years ago

5 Reasons I Chose To Go To SJU

Everyone has their reasons for choosing the college they chose. Some dreamed of it their whole life; others had a…

8 years ago

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What It’s Actually Like To Be A Student At St. John’s University

St. John’s University is a school of about 21,000 students, yet there are experiences that all of us Johnnies, no…

8 years ago

10 Free Things To Do Around SJU

Going to school in New York provides you with endless fun and memories, but it can also leave you with…

8 years ago

20 Reasons Why SJU Is The Absolute Best

I know you're probably convinced that schools with the biggest parties and social scene are the best ones to attend, and…

8 years ago

10 Things You Only Understand If You Live In Hollis Hall At SJU

If you've lived in Hollis Hall at SJU before or are currently residing in it now, you'll understand why Hollis…

8 years ago

10 Things I Would Change About SJU

Shout out to St. John's University for welcoming us students back for the spring semester! So happy to be back…

8 years ago