
My Grown Up Thoughts On What It’s Like Being Adopted

My Grown Up Thoughts On What It’s Like Being Adopted

When I was 18 months old I was given up for adoption. My biological mother at the time was a…

1 year ago

My Tinder Horror Story

Before I get into my awful experience with Tinder, I want to give a little background with my usage of…

2 years ago

My Experience with Depression

Imagine living a life feeling this constant heaviness on your heart, fearful for the next day, and wanting to end…

2 years ago

My Experience with Bullying

For me, it was middle school. For others, it's high school or college. What exactly is the cutoff for bullying?…

2 years ago

Diabetes Awareness: A Personal Story

There is life before diabetes, and then there is life after. I don’t remember much of the “before,” but boy…

2 years ago

What I Learned From My Long Distance Relationship

Okay, let’s clear the air here, take a breather. If your long distance relationship is struggling it certainly doesn't mean your…

2 years ago

Bullying: It Can Happen to Anyone

It doesn't discriminate, it doesn't care if you are male or female, a loner or captain of the cheer squad,…

2 years ago

10 Reasons to Stay Single Freshman Year

Being a freshman in college means a lot of changes in your life. Living by yourself, meeting new people, starting…

2 years ago

How To Act Confident When You Aren’t

Confidence seems like something you either come into or you don't. Most of us fall into the latter category of…

5 years ago

Start Living For Yourself, Stop Living For Others

I can't speak for all of us, obviously, but I can say so for the many: we often overlook ourselves and our…

5 years ago