
10 Things To Keep In Mind Before A Crazy Night Out

10 Things To Keep In Mind Before A Crazy Night Out

Chances are when you’re out with your friends, the night may get a little crazy but there are always ways…

8 years ago

Alcohol: If Different Types Were People

Vodka, tequila, fireball, wine, beer or champagne; we all have our alcohol preference and they all have their own effects.…

8 years ago

10 Signs You Have A Love-Hate Relationship With Frat Boys

"Frat Boy: a young man who behaves in a boisterous or foolish manner considered typical of members of some college…

8 years ago

21 Signs You’ve Had A Fake ID For Too Long (And Need To Turn 21 Already)

For most college students, alcohol plays a large role in the college experience.  The issue is, the most common age at which a…

8 years ago

To Go Out Or Not To Go Out: A Saga

Ah, it’s finally Friday, time to de-stress after a hard week….or so I hoped. More like time to stress over…

8 years ago