orientation tips

How To Get The Best Out Of Your University’s New Student Orientation

How To Get The Best Out Of Your University’s New Student Orientation

Your first year of university can be a daunting experience, but your university's new student orientation is a great way…

6 years ago

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Orientation At Syracuse University

There are a few things I wish I knew before attending Syracuse freshman orientation. Here are 10 things I wish…

7 years ago

How I Survived College Orientation

College orientation is a time to get accustomed to your new school and gear up for the next major step…

8 years ago

10 Things To Make FSU Orientation Infinitely Better

Now that Summer C is over, most people have gone back home, having last minute get togethers with friends they…

8 years ago

Here’s Why It’s Totally Normal To Be Nervous At Orientation

Orientation in college is just like orientation in high school; anxieties pile up on top of each other, you have…

8 years ago