Ohio U – Tips & Advice

11 Tips to Survive the Summer Away from OU

11 Tips to Survive the Summer Away from OU

One of the most difficult things that we Bobcats have to face is leaving the incredible place that is Athens…

9 months ago

8 Questions You Have About Ohio University Housing: Answered

Thousands of questions about how to do that college thing normally remain unanswered when a student moves into his or…

9 months ago

Do’s and Don’ts of Meeting Your Roommate for The First Time

Okay, so you went through the whole process of finding a roommate. A weight has been lifted off your shoulders…

10 months ago

10 Steps to Successfully Find a Roommate on Facebook

“She showered once a month and never wore deodorant” are words that can haunt you forever. We have all heard…

10 months ago

What I Learned by Saying No

I learned the importance of saying no at a very early age and from then until high school I was pretty…

12 months ago

The Truth About Caffeine

Hey y'all, take a seat and prepare yourself for the cold, hard truth about caffeine. Beep. Beep. Beep…You groan at…

12 months ago

Tips Every Ohio University Freshman Should Know

Dear Little Bobcat, So I hear you’re going to be one of the Ohio University freshmen next year. I’m a little…

1 year ago

5 Ways To Keep in Touch with Family In College

The weeks before move-in day are filled with preparation, shopping, packing, and slowly saying goodbye to your loved ones. Although…

1 year ago

10 Things To NOT Do at Ohio University Orientation

You are almost all set for Ohio University orientation. You put down the deposit. Check! Chose a meal plan. Check!…

7 years ago

The Ultimate Guide to the Party Scene at OU

With Ohio University being ranked as the #1 party school by PlayBoy, many people are curious what the party scene…

8 years ago