Michigan State University

10 Things to Remember When Using The CATA Bus System At MSU

10 Things to Remember When Using The CATA Bus System At MSU

Riding the good old CATA bus is one of the most efficent (well, sometimes) way of getting around MSU's very…

7 years ago

The Ultimate Ranking Of The Dorms At Michigan State University

Choosing your first dorm to live in as a college student is one of the most exciting parts about preparing…

7 years ago

10 Tips For Healthy Eating At The Michigan State University Dining Halls

There's no denying it- the dining halls in college aren't exactly the healthiest for you. Even with all the tips…

7 years ago

10 Michigan State University Best Places To Cry When You Just Can’t

Being in college can be tough, especially when you go to a Big 10 school with over 50,000 students enrolled.…

7 years ago

10 Things Every MSU Student Asks Themselves

We love Michigan State and never hesitate to reply with our own "Go White!" to "Go Green!" but sometimes we…

7 years ago

10 Things You Will Never Hear A MSU Student Say

There are many wild things you will hear at Michigan State University, from overheard conversations while in line for Cottage…

7 years ago

5 Reasons I Chose To Go To Michigan State University

I seriously can't believe I'm already a junior! College has flown by so fast, but I can still remember when…

7 years ago

13 Pictures That Make You Wish You Were Starting MSU Tomorrow

The countdown has started; only three weeks 'til we get to start our new adventure at MSU. I'm sure you've…

7 years ago

What Exactly Happens At MSU Freshman Orientation

Somehow whenever you ask your older friends about their transition to college, they just skip to what happened in the…

8 years ago

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went To MSU Orientation

Every incoming freshman knows that feeling of nervousness, the morning of the dreaded...FRESHMAN ORIENTATION. Here are 10 things I wish…

8 years ago