With the normalcy of how quickly celebrities get together and break up with significant others, it can be easy to…
One of the new, exciting things college brings is the opportunity to date around without your parents’ approval, or even…
I never thought there was really a reason to have a Tinder. When it became popular I was in a…
Maintaining a long-distance relationship in college is a lot of work, but if you truly care about your partner, all…
There are many reasons to have more sex. But what about car sex? Why not experiment a little and live…
You know a lot about yourself based on your zodiac sign, such as who you should date, who you should…
There are no three words more powerful than the words, “I Love You”. Unfortunately, though, these three words are used…
Aries season goes out with a bang this week, as an Aries always does! There is a deep impulsive need…
It is easy to look at famous people and see that love does not always work out and that breakups and…
Full disclosure, I have been a fan of Love since it came out. I might be biased because of my…