A bae. A boo. A partner. A significant other. A boyfriend/girlfriend. Whatever you call them, most people want one when…
Anniversary gifts can be really hard to find. You want something romantic, but not too over-the-top. Here are ten cute…
Moving in with your significant other can be the start of an exciting chapter in your relationship. You’ll get to…
Once you've been in your relationship for a while, people always assume the honeymoon period is over, that you're no…
Falling out of love with your partner will happen to all of us at some point in our lives. Some…
Figuring out a relationship is never easy. Sometimes it is hard to tell where it is going. Here are ten…
First dates are the worst. Picking a first date spot is hard. Walking into a space and knowing you're both…
There are a lot of date ideas out there that will make your loved one feel special and loved. Coming…
Welcome back to A Guy's Guide! She's mad at you, huh? I've been there, done that, let's see what we…
If you're a huge fan of Harry Potter, you've probably wondered once or twice which character from the book series was your…