
An Open Letter To Piers Morgan

An Open Letter To Piers Morgan

Dear Piers Morgan, “Stop being such an offensive, misogynistic brat and grow up – it isn’t cool, it’s pathetic.” Do…

1 year ago

A Goodbye Letter to My First Love

The absence of someone who once was everything stings so badly Having had more bad times than good Is something…

2 years ago

An Open Letter to the Man Who Loved Me First, My Dad

Dear Dad, As one of the most influential people in my life, you have taught me a lot of lessons…

2 years ago

A Letter to My Fellow Freshmen

Dear fellow freshman, I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase knowledge is power.  It’s often that the most powerful and most…

2 years ago

10 Trendy Nail Styles For The Fall

As warm summer days start to dwindle, we begin to transition from the hot nail styles of summer into the…

6 years ago

A Letter To My 16 Year Old Self

I know what you’re thinking.  16 years old. An adult. How wise you are at 16.  At 16 you’re thinking…

6 years ago

An Open Letter To My Mom As I Approach Adulthood

To My Dear Mom, As the end of my college years rapidly approaches, I realize more every day how prepared…

6 years ago

An Open Letter To My Future Self

This is an open letter to my future self. Hey you, I hope you are doing okay. Has global warming…

7 years ago

An Open Letter To My High School Ex

Dear Aaron, It has been over a year since we broke up, yet for some reason I find myself sitting…

7 years ago

To My Best Friend As We Leave For College

I have thought of a million different ways to say goodbye and they all start and end with, I don’t…

8 years ago