Regardless of whether you’re currently a student at or an alum of East Brunswick High School, there are too many…
Every school has its unique quirks about it, and Westlake High School is no exception. We may not have a…
As a junior or senior, you're now on the downhill stretch of your high school career; and if you attend…
Ah, the mighty Highlanders. Whether you were decked out in red and black or counting down the days until graduation,…
From the weekly homages to Hibernia Diner to the treks to Green Pond, we've got your complete list of signs…
If you went to a diverse high school, you may not have thought much of it, but your experiences there…
As someone who was raised in the Catholic School system, I've never been exposed to public school lifestyle. I went through…
Having been a two sport athlete all throughout high school, playing one sport competitively all year round, the struggles of…
Spending the last 4 years of my life at Central Dauphin High School (CDHS) was definitely a roller coaster of…
From sleeping in class to straight up just not caring anymore, here are ten signs you're a second semester senior…